Author Topic: heating water with direct gen/element [very recently covered this several times duh]  (Read 1594 times)

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I use a wood fired water heater for heat.

I would like to put a heating element in the hot water line.

I want to use wind for the pwr source for the element.

any ideas for gen'ing direct (no batteries) to a heat element?

I don't think I care about the voltage# just amps to element?

This will be used as supplemental heat, not the main source.

Then I have to figure out which types of inline or submerged heating elements to use (prob something in the hot water heater family, but how does ac/dc affect that)First let me fig. out the type of gen. then I'll know ac or dc .

  No prob making an inline socket for the element.

got a woodworking Q?

just E-ask



« Last Edit: January 23, 2006, 02:18:23 AM by (unknown) »