Author Topic: CHEAP underground monolithic dome construction [uh not topical]  (Read 2699 times)

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i was looking at domes a while ago. here's a guy who built one underground in montana....didn't need heat or air conditioning. the house was insulated under an umbrella of insulation and plastic:

here's a guy that made his own airforms with a sewing machine and inflated them with multiple bathroom ventilation fans. vacuum blowers burn out. bathroom ventilation fans can withstand extended usage.

i thought of a cheap method of building a monolithic dome:

DIG a hole big enough for the dome footprint (it has to be deep enough for a concrete truck to pour on it later).

bend some conduit to a shallow angle, cover it in concrete (except for the ends) and push rebar through it. it will bend the rebar to a consistent angle throughout. these are your vertical pieces that you will stand up in a circle, converging at the top of the dome. then, wrap rebar around the outside of this dome frame. now you have your frame. backup a concrete truck and pour several inches on top of the frame (don't back it up too far, or you'd have to make the soil is up for it). once its cured, just lay a sandwich of plastic/insulation/plastic above the dome. would this work? wouldn't it be really cheap?

« Last Edit: June 12, 2006, 07:58:53 PM by (unknown) »