Author Topic: An open invitation...  (Read 403 times)

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An open invitation...
« on: August 14, 2004, 08:22:23 PM »
I would like to introduce a site that many of you may like to visit for lively debate.  The persons posting there are knowledgeable and give you reason to do research before answering a post.  Among the Key areas of posting are:

eXtreme Politics, Featured Writer Archives, War Zones & International Terrorism, Citizens of the World, Abortion, Future Featured Writers, Federal Elections & National Issues, Religious, Spiritual, Moral, Philosophical Debates, Technology, Hard Science, Health, & Fitness, Energy - Needs, News, and Alternatives, Uncle Sam's Coffee Shop and Debate Theory, Education, and Practice.

I post on the site as Turtle and started the Energy- Needs, News, and Alternatives section and could use some help there!

Of course I guess I could use some competition in some of the other debate areas on the site too.

Try it you'll LOVE IT!  Click

And meet a lot of great Americans interested in "what's going on."


Likewise, I refer folks from that site to visit and

« Last Edit: August 14, 2004, 08:22:23 PM by (unknown) »


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Re: An open invitation...
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2004, 08:51:06 PM »
checked it out--but when i mentioned [] they cleared it from the posting--???? !!
« Last Edit: August 14, 2004, 08:51:06 PM by hiker »


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Re: An open invitation...
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2004, 09:08:34 PM »
I just made a post there at link inviting folks there to visit this site.  If you have any trouble explain and I will contact Jamie Walker the site manager and have it straitened out.  I discussed the invitation with him before making the post(s).  Thanks for taking time to visit Debate USA and I hope you and others go there and join in the lively debate.  
« Last Edit: August 14, 2004, 09:08:34 PM by Xavy »


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« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2004, 08:39:08 AM »

Ha Ha very very funny.

Just what we need a bunch of new users arguing for the sake of argument with no true interest or knowledge of RE or the other "interests" here and sending us into a maelstrom of controversial debate over things that don't belong here.

Bad enough the original RE focused board got jammed together with the overunity and magnet folks if we add in the debaters it will be totally useless. Oh, we see some debate here all right but it is not the point it is the outcome of various opinions on the things we do.  

I'm just not sure how you came to the decision we were that closely related we should all run over there and they should run over here? From the comment you made it seems like you are trying to draw users to that site, drum up some hits as it were.

Well can't put the genie back in the bottle i guess.

Um well just my opinion and unlikely held by everyone.


« Last Edit: August 15, 2004, 08:39:08 AM by TomW »


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Re: An open invitation...
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2004, 08:45:09 AM »
Hi Hiker...

we dont often erase anything (unless its rediculous or rude) - but I do often move things to display only in catagory especially the rants/opinions catagory.  

I try to keep the front page mostly on topic.  I dont care what shows up in Rants/Opinion though... so long as its reasonably polite.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2004, 08:45:09 AM by DanB »
If I ever figure out what's in the box then maybe I can think outside of it.


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Re: An open invitation...
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2004, 10:11:03 AM »
This is probably as good a time as any to air some thoughts i've had about the board.  Have the FAQs section come up first when someone addresses the board.  The idea is to encourage the casual user to do a little research about the topic.  When a person logs in they're then sent to the front page.  Of course two clicks gets the casual user to the front page.

Add a section to the FAQs that deals with measurement techniques using volt meters, ammeters, oscilloscopes, wind gauges, etc.

Add a section for overunity.  Hey, it's going to happen anyway.  Most people think they've got overunity because they don't understand the physics and how to make the proper measurements.  When a posting starts looking like overunity (like the one on cemf) put it in the overunity section.  Put a heading in the section telling people what the standard is and what they have to do to prove overunity.  Personally, I'd like to see someone actually come up with something that appears to work.  The fun then becomes figuring out where the extra energy comes from.  In this regard I'd like to point out that a crystal radio looks like overunity at first blush.  Of course, we know where the energy is coming from.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2004, 10:11:03 AM by finnsawyer »


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Re: Curious...
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2004, 03:22:38 PM »
> Um well just my opinion and unlikely held by everyone.

One shared by myself at least, but the last thing I wanted to do was start a debate about it.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2004, 03:22:38 PM by nack »


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Re: An open invitation...
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2004, 04:41:35 PM »
I honestly did not mean to stir up anything to make it smell bad here on this board.  I was unaware new visitors were not welcome, maybe a streaming banner at the top of the page should ward off anyone who isn't a hardcore RE or AE inquiry.

I placed the referral to this board at debate USA in the Energy discussion area.  As most persons know such an area of interest is usually obtained through a search engine.  Therefore I don't think I was referring someone here to debate why your teenaged son wants to act like a gangster ghetto rapper instead of wanting to be just like you a AE or RE hardcore.  I expected only persons interested in AE or RE to want to visit your area.

Likewise, I'm sure some viewers of this site have opinions outside of AE or RE as it affects their life related to politics, religion or just plain a variety of thought provoking information.  

I'm truly sorry if any persons I referred to visit here bother you as your tight knit group carries on business without outside interference.

I just fail to understand how more ideas could be a bad thing on either site.  Hey maybe a larger worldview than energy could be good for the soul.

However with such viewpoints on my post here I think it would be quite entertaining to debate any of the posters on this entry on any subject at Debate USA since introduction of a differing opinion than your own may cause implosion.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2004, 04:41:35 PM by Xavy »


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Re: An open invitation...
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2004, 06:00:14 PM »
This is exactly why I tried to keep my mouth shut.  Since I was stupid enough to open the door by seconding TomW's concerns, I will rebut.  First allow me to explain that in my opinion, people frequent this board primarily to share ideas regarding RE, theoretical and applied.  I think the root of my concern is that debateUSA sounds like the kind of forum that would be used to engage in argument, simply for the sake of argument.  While there are occasional differences of opinion presented here, that is a side effect of people having different approaches to solving a problem - at least that is how it should be.  The concern is that if the board is swamped by folks who just like a good fight, the signal to noise ratio will inevitably suffer, making it much more difficult for people who don't really care about anyones opinions or feelings, but just want to know how many turns to wind on their coils or how to space magnets to maximize efficiency to find real information.  I do not know how to put this gently, but your response suggests to me that you might be more interested in arguing details than sharing technical information that is often so well established that no room exists for debate.  The suggestion that a streaming banner to ward off visitors is blatantly argumentative.  In your second paragraph, I still sense the welcoming of debate, rather than the open sharing of information - regardless of what people are coming to debate, ghetto rappers or poor little birdies getting killed by whirling turbines, it is still a distraction that I would not welcome.  I have many opinions but for me RE is not an opinion, it is an interest.  I am not, as far as I know, part of any tight knit group, rather I am one person with many interests that are largely technical in nature.  When I want to know about winding an output transformer for a tube amp (an area where much debate exists), I google for things like "output transformer", "transformer theory", or "tube amp transformer design", I read what is out there and if there remains any question in my mind, I experiment to determine what works best for me.  Since my interest is in an end result, I try not to become embroiled in arguments about which of the known functional methods is intrinsically better, rather I decide what is easiest for me to implement to get the result I desire.  I am sure that any arguable point relating to RE/AE would make a fine addition to a debate-oriented site, but I do not think that the injection of arbitrary debate into this forum is likely to be in any way productive.  I would also be extremely surprised if anyone on this board, or anywhere else holds a world view that is restricted to energy alone, but this forum is where we talk energy, when we are worried about souls, we find a religious forum suitable to our tastes and bring those concerns up there.  I am sorry that I will not be able to entertain you by debating any subjects over on debateUSA, I am not particularly worried about implosions - rather I just don't think it would be a productive use of my already scarce free time.  In summary, I feel that your responding to a reasonable concern by issuing a few taunts and throwing down the glove serves quite well to illustrate the basis of the concern.  If this forum were to get a large influx of people who conduct themselves this way, and other users of this forum were as foolish as me in taking the bait, there would no longer be room for productive conversation.

To anyone who has actually read this far:  I do apologize for eating up your bandwidth, and I assure you that this will absolutely be the last time I am involved in any non-technical conversation on this board.  I also would like to make it VERY clear that the opinions expressed in this message are strictly my own, and I do not speak for anyone else.  I especially do not speak for any tight-knit communities, and I definitely do not speak for the admins of this board, who I hope will not take offense from this post.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2004, 06:00:14 PM by nack »


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Re: An open invitation...
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2004, 08:35:47 PM »

I appreciate your reply!  Again I only wanted to offer the knowledge of a good site for debate for those who like to debate.  I do not argue in debates I search out facts and learn many times my position is incorrect.  I find it a learning process and beats TV for killing time.

My true love like you is for inventing AE projects.  I'm currently working on a windmill but I feel reluctant to ask anyone if they have tried it before because since I arrived here many serious people always chime in and say why don't you use search or read every article written here?  I will do my invention post it on the Energy site at Debate USA and then make a post here later on with a link so as not to bother.  Please don't take me wrong, there are tons of great information on this site, you just can't find it without reading for days on end.

If the site were set up like Debate USA or Christian Underground it would be very easy to find information and persons just with a question would be able to answer it themselves without wasting hours reading non-related stuff.

The referral to this site was only from the energy forum at Debate USA and only search engine people have visited or remarked on postings not debaters.   Debate is debate and energy or AE RE are knowledge and non debatable.  You will not find persons coming here to debate bird killings or the like because those folks wouldn't have hit the Energy site anyway.  

I only had positive intentions in making the referrals here and at Debate USA.  I like both sites very much but this site could be better organized.

So forgetaboutit.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2004, 08:35:47 PM by Xavy »


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Re: An open invitation...
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2004, 10:18:55 PM »
Just a note to give you pause.  I have a published article in the July-Aug. issue of titled Junkyard wars on my design for solar hot water (page 40) reference to the article is at  Back Home magazine paid me $130.00 for the article.  One of the postings on energy site describes my plan.  

My family and I live on an annual income of less than $26,000.00 annually and the last time I took my family to a restaurant for dining was on my wives birthday in Jan. and it was at Ponderosa for under $50.00.  I have two kids in private school.  This evening I sent $20.00 via Pay Pal to Debate USA as a contribution.

I don't know what better endorsement I could offer.  Maybe you should sell a better idea to Back Home and do the same for Otherpower?

By the way the food at Ponderosa sucked.

« Last Edit: August 18, 2004, 10:18:55 PM by Xavy »


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Re: An open invitation...
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2004, 11:13:41 PM »
Just last week I heard something about backhomemagazine and checked the site out. What do you think about the magazine? I was wondering if it was just a bunch of targeted marketing like most mags or if there was really any substance? I kinda know what the ppl are like in Hendersonville/WNC.. they mean well - but they're also yuppies. lol. Naw, they're allright.

Is every other page an ad for off grid $80k PEM natural gas electricity, etc.?

« Last Edit: August 18, 2004, 11:13:41 PM by hooqqa »


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Re: An open invitation...
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2004, 04:30:46 PM »
Actually they seem to be pretty sincere folks.  The magazine is mostly directed towards homesteading or the organic folks.  They routinely run two articles on AE in each issue.  If you check out the website you may download a couple of articles for free from each issue.  I can't afford to subscribe to the magazine but since I was raised on a farm in the 50's I know much of the stuff they preach already.

They do have their fair share of advertisements but not dominating some rather interesting articles.  They gave me a few copies with the article and the thing I liked best, outside of my article were recipes for great country cooking.  Good eats!

« Last Edit: August 19, 2004, 04:30:46 PM by Xavy »


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Re: An open invitation...
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2004, 10:36:12 AM »

What I said was:

Just what we need a bunch of new users arguing for the sake of argument with no true interest or knowledge of RE or the other "interests" here and sending us into a maelstrom of controversial debate over things that don't belong here.

And typical of online forums you misquoted me and misrepresented my concerns.

I have NEVER said [or thought for that matter] that new users were not welcome. My concern is keeping this forum on track and on subject. That track and subject is the extraction of power from the environment. How can you debate when you can't [or won't] understand plain, common English?

You must be a Republican to be able to twist words so much that the intended meaning is totally obscured. No need to reply I just felt you needed to be told what I said not what you wanted to see so you had something to argue about.


« Last Edit: October 07, 2004, 10:36:12 AM by TomW »


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Re: An open invitation...
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2004, 10:52:49 AM »

Just well said and very non emotional. I posted a reply also but mine addressed this guy misrepresenting my original comment which is like 1 millimeter away from a lie and liars truly tick me off.

I will not take his challenge, either, I participate here because the technical aspects feed my need for knowledge and certainly not because I like to argue / debate. Discussing the various ways to do what we do is far from arguing or debate it is usually the sharing of varying viewpoints.

I probably seem fairly rabid at times trying to debunk things I feel strongly about but it is not for the sake of doing it or argument itself.




« Last Edit: October 07, 2004, 10:52:49 AM by TomW »