Author Topic: I am Back with a Problem, finnaly  (Read 34458 times)

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I am Back with a Problem, finnaly
« on: March 02, 2010, 05:47:31 AM »
Skip to the bottom to skip the long re-introduction. -------

Hi (again), My solar pannel and weird Li-ion battery system thing has worked great for 5 years.  if you remember its a messy small test pannel with 36 of the 3"x6" 3amp cells in it that were REJECTs.

It has a plastic top and switches to reconfigure for series 12v charging, and parellel 4v type charging.

also i had to add in a bunch of curcuit stuff to keep the li-ions in good voltage ranges, had to replace them due to age.

The thing has been running without any thought or action or effort, leds motion sencors, light sencors, self regulated charging. other than a bit of silicoln and a couple of cleanings, and seasonal angle adjustments.

the Home owner who really hates my stupid projects , has actually become attached to the thing , when actually my testing is over and I would just be happy to buy manufactured, or give up on it altogether.

Well it hit the dirt from 4 feet up in a 60MPH wind, and the PLASTIC top cracked.

no problem i was prepared to have to replace that. As expected, it had become more brittle over time.


I Got a new plastic top for it, and then the dog bumped into it , Arrgg, and chipped off more stuff of a few cells, then i noticed (thanks to the dog) that the

Ribbon connetor that came originally on the cells is falling off of MANY of them.

this is weird because the thing has basically been working , keeping the battery charged enough even during winter, sure it wasnt doing great power output, but it didnt seem Dead.

I can buy a whole new rack of cells for the pannel for $75 from e-bay (again) that are already assembled in 6x rows, and just replace the whole set of cells?

i could use some conductive glue of some kind to Patch many of then that i can Tell that the top ribbon conductor is loose.

or i could aks the real experts what to do, and wait till they give me some ideas.

« Last Edit: March 02, 2010, 05:47:31 AM by (unknown) »


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Re: I am Back with a Problem, finnaly
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2010, 11:54:22 PM »
well i finnaly just feexed it. got another circuit writer from radioshack, and painted the conductive polymer under the broken lines, then press held them for 10 hours to dry.  then lined out every one of them because each of them had some looseness, just to be sure.

then tested, and its Alive again, short amps about 10amps in full sun aimed, which was about as good as it was before (but the cap wasnt one)

then i stuck the new plastic cap on, and its good to go for a few more years.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2010, 11:54:22 PM by Psycogeek »