1300 amphour times 28 volts is 36 KWH
If you are charging 3KW for one hour that is 3KWH.
To attain the 36 KWH charge using a 3 KW generator, you will need a minimum of 36 KWH/3KWH = 12 hours of constant charge plus the additional time needed for the charging efficiency which could go as high as 30 % additional time.
You need equalize periodically but not continually or the bank will not last.
Equalization should be done if a deep discharge has been set on the bank.
Try to keep the charge above 45 % and the equalization will be minimized and maybe done once every 8 charging cycles ( you should have the a good DVM that can read up to millivolts) and keep records, as well as, the electrolyte conditions -- this will allow you to prolong the life of the battery bank.
There are good web sites with detailed battery info.