I had a thought to simlify the design of a wind turbine and (maybe) do away with the furling mechanism.
My thought is this: use an LC circuit, which is tuned to the frequency of the ac output of the turbine at normal furling.
Since there is already an inductor in the stator, all that would be required are 3 capacitors of the appropriate value connected in series with the coils and all connected to the neutral of the star wound stator. Alternatively another inductor (of the approriate inductance) could be connected in series with the capacitors.
Since the LC circuit only turns on (resistance reduces to next to zero) at around the tuned frequency this would have the same effect as shorting out the 3 phases at this frequency and thus stopping the turbine.
The main advantage, as I see it, is that the LC circuit has bandwidth, so that the stopping action is not instantaneous, it would gradually stop the turbine as the frequency of the ac increases.
If this is possible it could mean that the furling mechanism could be removed, therefor simlifying the design of the turbine, I don't know if this would work in practice but I would be interested to hear your views....