Author Topic: Frustrated Scrounge!  (Read 598 times)

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Frustrated Scrounge!
« on: April 08, 2005, 01:41:22 PM »
   Okay, I'm jealous!  I've been reading this board over to cover for months now, and I don't envy the workshops (well, maybe a little), I don't envy the workmanship(I can always delude myself), and I don't envy the massive amount of knowledge contained in some(all) of you guys.  But DANG IT!, I'm burning with jealousy over the salvage stories!  My number one hobby is recycling stuff, and I thought I was good at it too.  NOT!  

   I had to take a load to the landfill the other day ($200!) and was sickened by both the amount of really neat stuff people were tossing out of thier fancy SUVs and also the "no scavanging" signs.  Perfectly good bicycles, computers, you name it being tossed in the landfill.  It made me embarrassed to be American.  I feel like apologizing to the rest of the world and saying "I'm not like that!".

   Please!  Share with me your sources for this great stuff.  One thing I have noticed is the existence of "salvage" yards in many of the posts.  We simply don't have those here that I know of.  Even auto wrecking yards have become nothing more than a used parts store where things are sometimes priced higher than new.  I have tried to hook up with businesses, but they just look down their noses at me and say that they have garbage service for that kind of thing.  Like I'm insulting them by tring to lower their bill.

   Anyway, this turned into more of a rant than I intended, but I really would like any specific sources that I should try.  

« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 01:41:22 PM by (unknown) »


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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2005, 08:29:08 AM »
Some of the 'full service' reclycling places will buy more than just alum. cans. Like alum tubing from lawn chairs, old angle iron, etc.  At that kind of place you might have better luck talking to the owner, as opposed to an employee.  Get in the yellow pages and look for a large a/c shop.  Drive around back Early sunday morning, take a cup of coffee, they usually have a pile of stuff next to their dumpster.  I saw some old bed frames (angle iron) leaning up against a wall of a matteress store.  I was thinking, 'they may want that stuff hauled off' I've cut lenghts of tubing and angle iron from a dumped 'sofa bed'. Even a drive around the industrial section of town, down the alleys will produce more than you can haul.  Have gloves, maybe a few tools, and that cup of coffee.  I keep an eye out on 'trash morning' on the way to work.  While cheap is good, free's better.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 08:29:08 AM by dudevato »


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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2005, 09:49:43 AM »
i know exactly how you feel, people throw things away now if they get dusty i live in canada and i don't think there is any difference. i grew up really poor we didn't throw anyting away incase you needed it later. when i come away from the dump now i just feel angry.  it's a crime against our children and there children.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 09:49:43 AM by electrondady1 »


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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2005, 09:57:25 AM »
I know what you mean.  I know that 100 years from now, people will be MINING our landfills for the valuable metals and such buried there.  What bothers me most is how people look at you when you say you want to look at their junk.  Like you are some kind of sub-human. To be honest, the advice of just driving down the alleys appeals to me since then I don't have to get "the looks".
« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 09:57:25 AM by nwcpro »

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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2005, 10:22:07 AM »
" "no scavanging" signs.  Perfectly good bicycles, computers, you name it being tossed in the landfill.  It made me embarrassed to be American.  "

As I seem to try to do alot lattely, Besides answering one question I'll include releated thingies that may hopefully help alot of people reading the post with various needs.

Oh yes we must not steal from the land fills, they need it so much and pay such a high price to get that fill material!! I feel like shooting the people responsible for those signs or at least beating them over the head with their own garbage!!

 It should be a FEDERAL LAW that anything any one wants to take out of a land fill should be free for the taking! Well maybe not used food or dirty diapers, but hey if you can make methane from it then why not that too if you actually want to haul the nasty stuff. Some day we will be mining those land fills just like any other mines for the copper, silver, gold, aluminum, steel,  and other material they buried. What a waste of resources to do that though!

I run into some of those bozos at shops and places too that act like it hurts them to sell trash instead of paying to have it hauled off. I try to politly let them know just how STUPID they actaully are! Be aware you are on thier property and try to be polite while getting the point acrossed. Sometimes it works, sometimes they just go DUUUHH while picking their nose.

One place I will not deal with the guy even if he gave it to me free now has got the point! Next time someone  asks he might let them have stuff cheap, but I won't take it now because he pissed me off, but I got him back real good for it too. Maybe I have helped someone be more successful in the future that asks to deal with him??

I wanted junk cooling systems for the scrap parts, he got all funky and said some stupid stuff about the value of them and scrapping them out himself and such and would not sell them to me when I offered to buy them. Too stupid to even ask for his own price and see what I was willing to pay, basically like I was not even worth talking to, he was even rude. ( He certianly lost my heating cooling businesses if I need a shop someday too!!) I basically said go to h*11 and walked out then.

This is the fun part!!

Then later I was at a scrap yard when he and an employee brought in a pickup truck load. I heard the guy I buy from say what he would pay for them, the bozo said ok and took the money. I said put them on my truck and handed the guy I buy from double the money he was paying for them. He said ok and told the bozo to unload his truck to my truck :)

 Not only did the bozo only get half what I was willing to actaully pay, but he had to load them onto MY truck for me after haulling them 20 miles himself and paying his empoyee probably $6 an hour too. He got the point he should have been nicer and sold them to me at his own shop for more money real quick! I'll always remember his goofey look :)

Most places are better than that, but you just got to look around and try to avoid the morons. I just go to smaller scrap yards, what we have here. Really large ones may want to sell the stuff, but they won't want you in the way digging through piles and slowing them down, Your little purchase of $50 scrap motors may profit them $20 but cost them $40 in lost production while your digging around, so actually they lose. I have bought from LARGE yards too though, especailly if they know you, like if your hauling things in at times also. I used to haul alot to a big yard when I lived in a big city in my teens, and I was one of the few that they sold to also, most walk ins they turned away.

 Look for smaller yards in smaller towns, and if possible let them know your gonna be a regular and will stay out of the way as much as posible while they work and you search.

 If you have a large need for certain things, and they don't get to aweful much of it, offer to take it all. I just did that. I was paying 13cents Lb for motors, copper went up he said and he charged me 16 a lb for the last 2, I asked what if I just take them all, pick them up once a week or so, 12 cents a pound now if I take all. Saving 4 cents a pound, I don't have to dig around, I won't miss the good ones because I did not get there in time, I don't have to waste my time running to the yard every couple days, I don't waste the gas so that saves money too. He will now just pile them all in one area for me to pick them up. Aluminum is running 50-60 cents or more per pound, #1 copper about $1.20 lb, iron/steel $75 a ton or so (about 4cents lb).

Think of all those bearings I may get, aluminum cases, good wire, steel shafts for armatures ect... and after stripping them down I get alot more per pound than I pay (except for steel) so I can take them all, strip for parts, next time I drive 150 miles to go shopping haul a load of scrap to the big guys and profit!!

Now many people of course will think if this is such a great deal then why don't they do that. MONEY!!  The owner of these scrap yards don't want the parts, so it's only scrap prices to them. They ain't got time to do it themselfs, and employees cost money, taxes, workers comp, unemployement etc.. INSURANCE. It simply is not profitable for the small operation doing a good business with fast turn over to take apart motors and such. Mixed metal as a motor needing seperated is only worth 12 cents LB to them, and they got far more to do than ripp them apart one at a time.  Me buying the motors saves them money, I pay what they would get anyway, they don't have to ship them in which saves them money so they make more too at the same price when I pick up myself.

 I am actually thinking about running adds in a small paper here to buy certain things like motors and cooling units. I can pay more for them than the scrap yard does because I pay more when I buy from the scrap yard anyway.

 If you can talk to people (some are huffy and won't talk) and you can works deals like this you can profit as well and get parts. If you have the time and space. I do have the space, alittle time.

 This same deal on the motors from the scrap yard I am thinking about for starters and altenators from the auto wrecker I buy from too. He is great on prices already, bearings 50cents, $1.20lb #1 copper wire, 76cents LB for cast aluminum ingots ect..

 Good working 100amp altenators $20 :)

 Problem there though is he does have the time to strip stuff down, and he also repairs alot of things instead of scrapping them. This is great really in general, but not for me wanting junk though. I probably will never get a junk 100amp altenator from him for 12cents a LB because he can fix it, unless it is really fried bad, but then as seperated scrap it is still worth more anyway.

 For example, he has an EPA aproved furnace to melt scrap aluminum. So for me to buy junk aluminum wheels from him as scrap it costs me the 76cents a pound he would get as an ingot. To buy from the other yard the same wheel would cost me maybe 60Cents LB because as a wheel that's all he will be paid, ingots are worth alot more.

I'll have to pay more for junk motors/altenators from him because he gets ALOT more for them as stripped/seperated scrap metals.

 But he is a great guy, easy to talk with, knows alot, willing to help with things etc.. and to me it is worth paying a bit more buying from him. Like he will take the time to show me tricks to get things apart easy, fast and less damage etc.. and great to talk with. I think I learn something from him everytime I go there!!

The other cheaper yard is nice guys, but busy, no help really with anything except loading if needed, and they don't know much as far as messing with things. It's just all scrap to them, no interest in parts or pieces except type of metal and prices.

I am thinking also I may start buying ALL junk heating and cooling units from some places. Just call and offer a price per LB and take them all. Same deal, as mixed metals they won't get nearly as much as seperated. I get all the good motors, caps, etc.. and lots of aluminum copper to scrap out at a higher price!

Motor rewind shops may work the same deals, but don't expect too much since that's there business if they are smart they won't really have much to sell! But how many are actually that smart? A few. And most smarter ones are probably near large cities with larger recyclers.

Call ahead sometimes may help if you can actaully talk to the owner of small shops. Often a manager will just say no themselfs because they don't know and don't want to bother asking the owner. I ran into that with computer shops for scrap parts before.

 I asked about 3 times for junk they were throwing away, manager said no the boss would not do that. I hadn't spoke to the boss, he was never there or in back. One day I saw him at a coffee shop and started a conversation and mentioned I wanted scrap stuff for various uses, he said I should have came by his shop, I could have had all I wanted. I said ok and when he went to the shop after lunch I did too, he told the manager give me any trash I wanted :)

 I didn't say much about being sent away in the past, but the manager had a funny look anyway :)

 Just a case of he didn't know and didn't want to bother asking, so he said no.

 Sometimes you can get stuff fom smaller parts stores. Small autoparts stores and shops can be good. Tell them you'll pay scrap prices or what ever your willing to pay for the items you want. Maybe a little less to start so you can haggle on the final price. The shops may give it to you free if it's not worth anything, but if they can get back a $5 core charge on it they won't. Autostore might though, or sell less than or same price as the core charges. MANY items have a far higher core charge than they should! When selling new parts alot of people will not bring back the old parts, the stores know this of course and charge the core charge (deposite) till they get back the old part. They keep that money when the parts are not returned of course, so the cores are higher than the store will actaully get when they return the cores. Just more profit for the store if you don't return it. They often hope you don't! Some high demand items may not apply to this general rule though.

 Take a CV joint axle shaft for example. Cost me $75 for a rebuilt axle, costs me $70 core charge on top of that!! You know the store is making more than $5 profit on the new part!

 Those rebuilders are not buying cores for $70 each either. If you wanted those you might be able to pick them up for a few bucks each. Same with other parts of course, probably not free but cheap. Major chains may be harder to deal with, but some are good, alot depends on the people in the store also. Small parts stores may not even want to mess with sending back a core unless they did have to pay alot themselfs for the core. Now in some cases like maybe the axle shaft, the rebuilder may be playing the same games figuring extra profit off the non-returned cores and be charging it also to the part stores. But if that were the case you would be seeing alot of parts stores buying $35 used axle shafts from the auto wreckers to replace those missing $70 cores, and that does not happen alot.

 So if they say a high price as a core, what does a used part go for at the wrecking yard and figure they get a heck of alot less back on those cores, not what they charge! Mention it politely. You may get a junk altenator for $5-$10 even if they do charge $25 for a core charge when they sell them. And that $25 core charge will probably be the first thing they come up with when talking prices!

 I pay $20 for a used working 100amp Gm type, the TRUE core value can't be over $10 or so or he would be selling them all as cores right from the wrecking yard!

 If you need something and having trouble finding a place willing to let you have a good deal on the junk, think about all the things I mentioned and put some thought into a new aproach to finding your items.

Sometimes you just won't find certain things ever, or you have to figure other angles to get them!

 I was told it is Illegal to sell used Catalytic conveters from wrecking yards when I wanted the guts. Well I found a different way to get them :)


 I found muffler shops cutting them open for the platinum coated ceramics to recycle at a higher price. I think it goes for near $5 a pound, at least that's what I paid.

 Ok, they could not sell me the converter and I did not buy one!!

 But I got my parts anyway :)

« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 10:22:07 AM by nothing to lose »


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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2005, 11:29:11 AM »
I'll tell you why they have the signs - 'cos of the valuable stuff good folk throw away.  Here in the UK last year the organiser of a local authority dump appeared on TV in The Antiques Roadshow with a collection of jewellery she had fetched out of the dumpsters that had all been thrown away by the Great British Public.  Total value of the collection £35,000 - about $63,000 at current exchange rates.  Do you think they want you finding any of that while you are sorting through for stepper motors?  I think not!!!
« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 11:29:11 AM by nobicus »

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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2005, 11:35:41 AM »
Well as you can geuss it took me awhile to type that biggie post. When I started that there were actually no replies yet then.

 For me, I have a use for too many items that people just trash, and yes many many things there is simply nothing wrong with at all! To me this is all just stupidity plain and simple, and I'll tell you how stupid people actually are too!

 I had used items selling at a fleamarket used stuff type store. I saw a person walking out of the store with one of my items I was selling one day and kinda knew the person. When I went in the sales lady gave me my money and we were talking about the item and person who bought it. She was telling me how the woman just loved that item and was so happy to buy it and such. DUHH, nice lady customer was the one that threw the item away in the first place! I saw some trash I wanted one day while driving by and that was with the metal, junk box fans and stuff. I just cleaned it up some, stuck a price tag on it for a few bucks and she bought it back.

 Gee I wonder how much she would pay me to clean her whole house for her :)

And that was not the first time nor last that someone bought something they had thrown away themselfs and all I did was clean a little or spray paint it. Someone once told me they had a green one just like this black one once, I just grinned as I handed back thier change. Very expensive paint job they paid for, my cost $1 for a can of paint. Was not a cheap item!

Scratched desk or table throw it away, I get it sand and paint smooth polish it alittle and get a nice price for an hour or twos work.

I love to find VCRs and DVD players! Not just for the good parts, but it's so easy to clean the heads on those VCRs and get them working perfect then sell them! Some are junk, but I have got alot that had bad lines or no pictures and removing the cover and cleaning the heads with denatured alchohaul was all they needed.

I haven't had time lattely for this stuff. But I am going back into it I think.

Me I have too many uses for too much stuff, I am getting lazy, runnng out of time to go digging, and getting greedy!

 I think I really am going to open my own salvage yard soon and let people bring the stuff to me! I mean I go to the scrap yard, they pay nothing or $1 for a hot water tank. I pay them $3 so I can bring it home, strip off any good brass/copper fittings and use the tank for something. Most tanks I get do not leak! They get filled with sediment trash because people don't flush them like they should, they don't work as well with all that crap in the bottom, so they buy a new one. I actually hooked up a nice electric one once for awhile after I flushed it out well, it worked perfect! I used it for hot water for cleaning stuff outside for awile then scrapped it out. I don't like electric tanks!! The only reason for a gas water tank to be bad is a leak in the tank normally. Sometimes I get one with a bad control but it's rare and normally because it was dropped off a truck and they broke it then. Gas burners I never saw go bad. So people replaced that working tank that did not leak, only because it was easier to pay $200 to install a new one than to flush out the old one occasionally! And it was not to save money unless they fell for some hype crap used to sell tanks. Even the electric companies are wanting us to use gas! Ours offered us rebates to change to gas. I should have claimed I just installed the gas one and sent in a junk electric I paid $3 for :)

 I they wanted lower gas hot water bills, cheaper and easier to just wrap 3' thick fiberglass around and over the tank. That's what is under the sheet metal anyway next to the tank, so it's not a saftey/fire hazzard. Just not very thick as built.

What we need is some type of list of what is valuable parts and what they come in.

I can get tons of those big caps in cooling units, I have no idea what I should do with them? Does anyone need some? I don't know if I should even bother getting them.

 Electronics, what parts of TVs should be kept or stripped? Stereo's ??

 That actaully would be great. A list of junk we should look for to strip for cheap salavageble expensive parts that might be needed by others.

« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 11:35:41 AM by nothing to lose »

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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2005, 12:20:34 PM »
Here in the USA it's almost all tossed out of the back of a truck and bulldozed under, you could throw away a gold bar from Fort Knox and they would bulldoze it under and never see it.

 Either garbage trucks with compacted tash, or people tossing it out of pickup trucks, doesn't matter, drive to area, dump, bulldoze!

If it weren't for the EPA crap I would open a dump myself, then I would dig through stuff too before recycling it. As is best I could do is a salvage yard, and even that might be iffy with EPA crap today. It's all who you pay! It's all a scam!

For instance,

Charities ask for donated cars, they sell them to foul polution companies, the companies destroy those cars and are permitted to produce as much polution as the car would have made over say 10 years if it were being used. They don't have to meet EPA aproval and limits, they don't have to upgrade to EPA approved equiment.

They get polution credits instead! What a scam!

Now on the other hand, if I scrap cars on my own as a small company and use a non-EPA approved furnace to melt the metals and produce a little polution doing it, I would be slapped with a $10,000 fine. Maybe worse.

But hey, aren't I in the business of detroying cars??? So I should have MAJOR polution credits stored up waiting to be used. NO WAY melting aluminum is going to produce as much polution as that car would have made in 10 years.

Then also consider when those cars are destroyed to get the polution credits that polution is created in the process of destroying them also!!!

Now I have seen EPA approved furnaces for melting that aluminum. FOR A FACT all it is is a blast furnace with a high tempature exhaust heat comming out the stack. That is the only working part! Anything else is computer to monitor the temps produced and requirement crap making you jump through hoops for nothing. I can do the exact same thing with a charcoal furnace and blowers, or propane and blowers as the actual working part of the EPA approved furnce does, I just would not have a computer and printer attached to it nor be mailling slips of paper in a timely manner nor paying off anyone with fees and permits or other money stealing things as required by the EPA. In other words, payoffs! Scams!

Propane and a blower blasting into a thick metal furnace lined with firebrick and such, basic stuff, is what the working part of the actaull furnace is that is comercaily built and approved by the EPA. There is NOTHING there that prevents or creates less polution than a home built unit.

« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 12:20:34 PM by nothing to lose »


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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2005, 02:36:14 PM »
Good thing about it thoug, is it's bulldozed over, grass and trees are planted, and it's turned into a park or gold course(we've go enough of those). The biggest one in the US is in Califonia, and they power 60,000 homes with the methane they pipe out of there. :)
« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 02:36:14 PM by pyrocasto »


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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2005, 02:42:13 PM »
I'd love to just take an hour or two each week and check out the stuff out for trash pickup. Someone had a 27" TV out once, and I took it. It just had a loose wire. Of course, in the midst of rendering it "safe" by shorting out a capacitor, I shorted out the wrong part while it was plugged in. So my two stupid mistakes blew up multiple components on the circuit board. Had to find a place to take it for proper disposal. But at least it wasn't just a minor glitch anymore. sigh

And also out for trash that day nearby was a living room set - sofa and two chairs. Dammit, if only I had space for that stuff. So much perfectly good stuff.

Don't even get me started on the things that corporations can afford to throw god. If throwing something into a dumpster will save them two cents over the course of 20 years, vs recycling it, it'll go into the dumpster. Whatever it takes to save a fraction of a cent, they'll do.

Those "no scavenging" signs are probably a result of fear of the botched legal system - if you are scavenging, and you get hurt, you'll sue the landfill owners, the state government, the driver of the trash trucks, the guy in the port-a-potty a hundred yards away, the Port-a-potty company, etc....

« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 02:42:13 PM by Jeff7 »


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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2005, 05:31:19 PM »
I agree that the signs are a real insult to thrifty folks but it is a liability issue as mentioned. We have a "Transfer Station" in town. There is the big "Trash Masher" where everything goes if it isnt a large appliance, electronics, scrap metal, or recycleable. I have made freinds with the dump guy and he saves some stuff for me once in a while.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 05:31:19 PM by Peppyy »


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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2005, 07:05:34 PM »

They want work. They want to get out of the little rooms. They want to see the sun.

They only make a few cents an hour. It buys soap, toothpaste, candybars...

Nobody else probably WANTS to do it.

For that 15 cents an hour they should let them pull out Al cans, steel, Cu, glass, plastic bottles...  All that recycleable stuff.  Pay them out of the profits.


Less crap in the landfill, less imported materials (like OIL).

The landfills would still get there money by what was dropped off.

Make that win/win/win/win. Prisoners, economy, landfill, and us.

Transportation is not a problem in this region. The prisons are next to the landfills.

To politicially incorrect?

« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 07:05:34 PM by ghurd »<<<-----Information on my Controller


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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2005, 07:24:03 PM »
i saw that episode of the road show .!
« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 07:24:03 PM by electrondady1 »


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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2005, 07:48:19 PM »
Just wanted to throw in my own rant in here too.  Sorry just had to.  In my last post I mentioned a few things.  One thing I was getting in large supply from where I work was nice 12'  4"x4"'s made of pine and some 12' pine 2x4's but for some retarted reason they have decided they don't want us taking them anymore (all from skids for sheet metal).  We have an agreement with one of our sellers to return THEIR skids to them.  Their skids are oak not the pine ones mind you, the pine ones come from another seller who has no such aggrement with us.  Yet my boss has deemed it good and wholesome to trash those perfectly good skids of pine (tons and tons of uses I can think of) wasting valuable materials, encouraging the destruction of more trees.  On researching why my boss informed us that someone had been taking things home without paying for them (totally unrelated issue) and so now all wood would be prohibited from leaving the parking lot.  Where it must rot down or be trashed.  Anyway just my lil rant
« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 07:48:19 PM by Aelric »


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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2005, 07:52:59 PM »
shouldn't have said trash, was too harsh.  They will most likely have us send the pine skids back to the other seller (who we do have the return agreement with) so that they can trash or butcher the skid into a piece of garbage (they don't know how to make good skids) and then they will sell it back to us :-)
« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 07:52:59 PM by Aelric »


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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2005, 08:12:33 PM »
Just a thought.

Some areas have people who buy skids. Good and bad ones. The bad ones get 'rebuilt'. Meaning a few plates or 2X2"s. But at least serviceable.

I think they gave $3 for a 'bad' one a couple years ago.

I hauled home a strange size skid. Bailer twine made in Brazil. Mahogony!

Pulled the nails and planed it down. Beautiful stuff.

« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 08:12:33 PM by ghurd »<<<-----Information on my Controller

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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2005, 08:20:45 PM »
Unfortunatly that is not often the case, but more the exception I think.

The general rule is vent the methane to the air and forget it, waste land no building permitted, to much methane and settling of the ground as stuff rots out. Maybe in 100 years when it's time to mine the area for the resources burried there it will be ready to build on :(

 I know alot more than one place like that. They don't even have the methane burning, just lots of pipe sticking up for no reason but vents.

« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 08:20:45 PM by nothing to lose »

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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2005, 08:25:17 PM »
Ohhh, how disgusting. Violating prisonairs rights, slave labor, humiliation, your gonna have those bleeding heart people all over your hiny for that idea if you go public!

Don't run for office and mention something like that, I would vote for you, but maybe not many others would. :(

« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 08:25:17 PM by nothing to lose »

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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #18 on: April 08, 2005, 08:34:38 PM »
" so that they can trash or butcher the skid into a piece of garbage (they don't know how to make good skids"

Ya, but at least that is recycling into one more skid even if it is junk and trashed later. I've seen places prohibit taking home such things then just burn them latter. No recycling at all and creating air polution for nothing when someone actaully wanted it!! Heck even burning it for heat would be a kind of recycle, but no, many places burn them out back but you can't get the skid for fire wood :(

 I see less of that now, but still alot, far too much!

« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 08:34:38 PM by nothing to lose »


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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2005, 09:07:32 PM »
Here they have a program called SWAP for people who can't pay there traffic tickets and such.  They have them clean public property for a day.  Seems to be a politically acceptable type of program.

I worked at a UPS sorting facility while I was in college and had thought at the time that a facility with specialized conveyors designed to sort garbage might actually work.  The metal gets sorted to another belt where it would then be sorted to other belts based upon type, mixed or unknown even could likely be sold to a smelter.  Same for plastics, glass, and paper.  Even biodegradable stuff could be composted and sold as fill or fertilizer.  You'd hate to smell the place and you would hate to work there but it might be efficient enough in an area with enough garbage to turn a profit from the proceeds of the sale of the stuff you sorted out - as well as the savings of not requiring as much landfill space.  If not now, eventually, the costs of raw materials will increase enough to make such a facility profitable.  Rich

« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 09:07:32 PM by richhagen »
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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #20 on: April 08, 2005, 09:09:50 PM »
What a great thread.

Several people have mentioned finding the right people to talk to. I think this is the key. A lot of people like to do the right thing and recycle and keep stuff out of landfills. It's just that they don't have enough time to do it themselves, or there's a liability problem, or they've never thought someone might use this stuff again.

My glass guys, for instance. They really liked my solar panel idea and were incredibly supportive of my efforts. They probably cut my costs in half by turning me on to tempered glass they would normally throw away and by giving me the bro-deal on resealing these double pane windows. As a result, I sometimes show up at their place at 5PM with a 12 pack under my arm.

The no-scavenging signs are enforced by somebody. If you happen to be friends with that person, the rule might not apply to you for an hour or two once in a while.

Here's what really sucks. This stuff is all fun and profitable, up to a point. Sometimes I feel I'm beginning to move away from my scavenging habit because I can make  more money doing my regular job than I can scavenging. I used to pull anything I could out of a trash can, try and fix it and resell it. Problem is, I can maybe pull in $100 at a garage sale on Saturday with all this fixed free stuff but if I work my normal job, I can make twice that with 1/2 the effort. Look, even the Dans are moving away from recycled auto parts and are getting into water-jet cut parts for their windmills.

Look on the bright side. With all this stuff going into landfills, It's going to be really easy to find in 100 years.  Landfills kind of go against the laws of entropy because they take raw materials from all over the world, manufacture them into useable stuff, and deposit them in one place, already manufactured. If energy supplies get as tight as I think they might in the next couple hundred years. It's going to be easier to find a 555 chip in a landfill than it is in a store.

So even if you miss out on it, chances are, it's just being saved for future generations... convieniently buried in large piles a few feet under the surface of the earth. If I were a future-landfill-miner, I think I would cuss the guy who designed disposable diapers most of all.

« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 09:09:50 PM by Volvo farmer »
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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2005, 11:30:01 PM »
It's not going to take a couple of hundred years.  I give it 20 at most.  Then we'll want everything even the Mason jars.  Now there's a strange thing.  We don't have them very much in UK but I see that in USA you can even buy a fitting for your spray gun to fit a Mason jar!!!  I've got 8 that I am hanging on to for dear life - can't stand drinking straight from the can or bottle!!
« Last Edit: April 08, 2005, 11:30:01 PM by nobicus »

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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #22 on: April 09, 2005, 02:51:57 AM »
"Here they have a program called SWAP for people who can't pay there traffic tickets and such.  They have them clean public property for a day.  Seems to be a politically acceptable type of program."

Not that I opposed what was suggested, I did say I would vote for him :)

But what you mention there, SWAP is probably more volunteer. Pay fine, do work, sit 2 days in jail, your choice. And it also saves the the government alot of money if a person chooses to work a day than sit in jail the 2 days. Jails are not cheap!

 Nothing for a bleedingheat to complainabout there since it's a choice.

 Also comunity service like cleaning the road ways ect.. is normally excepted about everywhere. And a 1 or 2 day sentance to clean property or mow a lawn is not much to worry about escaping from.

 It could be volunteer that way also for prisoners, but the jail costs are still there so no savings, and also you have extra expenses at the job site to make sure they don't run off while working.

 Still it is a good idea and could work well, though that's exactly why it won't, it's too good and might work too well!

What ever happend to prisoners making lisence plates?? Used to get a nice new shiny plate each year with the year stamped on it, now we get a crappy little sticker and have to use the same bent up junk forever or specifically ask for new ones! Some places they charge extra for a new one, some places don't.

« Last Edit: April 09, 2005, 02:51:57 AM by nothing to lose »

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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #23 on: April 09, 2005, 03:11:04 AM »
" Look, even the Dans are moving away from recycled auto parts and are getting into water-jet cut parts for their windmills."

I think that is totally different thing though. I mean first you got the weight issue, brake rotors and such are much heavier than a 1/4" steel disk alone. Water-jet or laser  cut for best quality and lower cost.

Then it looks like their putting together a kit to sell, so you have the availability issue, how many junks Volvo's can they get parts from for those kits? Need the same parts for every one, so swapping over to Ford or Chevy parts in mid stream may not be easy later. Shipping in used rotors is expensive I am sure.

Costs, probably less for those disks than Used Volvo rotors, certainly it will save on shipping costs.

Labour and quality, turning rotors is not free, bad grooves may not hurt performance alot but customer opions might not be that good, so they need to be nice besides just working well.

Alot to it when you think about it those ways. Not like building a homebrew gennie for your own house at 75lbs if your going to be kit building.

Also of course you can get the steel disk any size you want, rotors are take the size you can get and be happy.

I am sure the Dans would still be happy to recycle while building these, maybe use steel from junk semi truck frames if they can get it the right size :)

« Last Edit: April 09, 2005, 03:11:04 AM by nothing to lose »

wildbill hickup

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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #24 on: April 09, 2005, 06:33:12 AM »
I too find it frustrating. Several months ago I went to our local recycling center. I spoke with the boss and explained what I was looking for and asked if it was OK if I looked around. He said OK and explained the insurance rules (don't climb on the piles, don't get in the dumpsters that have been loaded. Well that kind of limited things but it was better than nothing. Wasn't much to choose from that day so I thanked him and left, promising him I would return.

A couple of weeks later I stopped in and walked into the fenced dump area. I was standing there drueling over some almost new looking angle iron (about 1", many feet of it) when one of the employees came out and asked if he could help me. I told him of the arragement, and said I was just lookin but I was interested in the iron. He said 'we can't do that anymore' and refered me to the same boss that I had talked with 2 weeks earlier. Nope can't let anyone scrounge anymore (INSURANCE LIABILITY).

Here's the kicker, recently they have advertized a 'swap day' on the radio I thought great!!!! NOT!!!! I went down and asked if they had any used motors, or batteries I could test or maybe some steel pipe. Oh we can't swap that kind of stuff, (Excuse Example: If someone wired the motor wrong and got hurt we could be held liable)We only swap clothing and dishes and furnature stuff like that.

Every item I asked for they didn't swap for some reason or another. Batteries were hazardous(OK I'll give them that one) Pipe and steel I might cut myself on, electronics I might get electrocuted, or I might bash the CRT and blow myself up, microwaves, the magnatron is radioactive and very dangerous (that the oldest one in the book) but alas I could get a good set of skis and poles and go out and break my leg on the mountain if I wanted!!!!

Insurance Liability seems to be the big thing around here. Even the businesses will get you for tresspassing not because they want the stuff in their dumpsters but if you get hurt getting it you can sue them. Example way off topic but give you an idea how rediculous it is. I hunt, much of the lands that used to be open are now posted, not because the land owner cares if you hunt, the reason, if I'm hunting on someones land out in the middle of nowhere and I fall and break my leg or arm or get hurt, I have the legal right to sue him. How's that for stupid!!!!

Sorry about the rant guys, but this whole insurance thing is getting out of hand.


« Last Edit: April 09, 2005, 06:33:12 AM by wildbill hickup »


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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #25 on: April 09, 2005, 06:35:45 AM »
You, my employer allowed us to buy anything that went into the bins paying the recycle value or scrap price or 10.00 a load if it had no scrap value. You name it wire,heavy wire as well as instrumentation wire, motors, wood, steel etc etc. The only thing we couldn't take was stainless. Actually I have 12g 6 conductor wire from work coming from my genny the industrial stuff I don't know the name but it has  the 6 wires wrapped by rubber wrapped by metal wrapped with plastic and it cost me 8 cents a pound canadian. Then an arrogant guy took over who figured if we wanted it we were getting a deal so now it all goes in the dumpsters. If we want to buy the recycleables we have to follow the bin and buy it from the recycler. I wouldn't doubt it if there was a management change where you are as well. Some people just can't stand seeing others benefit if they are not even if they are not interested.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2005, 06:35:45 AM by Reno »


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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #26 on: April 09, 2005, 08:28:27 AM »
poor nwcpro, just looking for a way to get the jucey junk and gets this instead. when i see the waste going down in just my area it's sickening. but when i think of the whole "first world"  it's beond my understanding. this culture of consumption is a recent phenomenon and it can't last's just that corporations got so big so fast and the advertisements are so seductive people got swept away and lost there common sense.the longer the fantasy goes on the more difficult the "ajustment" will be. in the meantime we can dip into the waste stream to get what we need , and set ourselves and our children up for the next era.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2005, 08:28:27 AM by electrondady1 »


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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #27 on: April 09, 2005, 08:40:17 AM »
That's why you sneak in at night with a lighter. Tiki torches forever!
« Last Edit: April 09, 2005, 08:40:17 AM by pyrocasto »


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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #28 on: April 09, 2005, 11:28:59 PM »
Here is an idea that hasn't been posted yet build your own dumpster take it to the dump after you ask of corse with a sign for what you want put in it. You could also talk to your local government and get a contract for taking things you want and they will pay you to haul it off.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2005, 11:28:59 PM by healerenergy »

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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #29 on: April 10, 2005, 07:59:50 AM »
Now that's an Idea I may try myself.

 I am sure it will end up with some stupid insurance liability answer though.

 People really need to take back control of the country! The insurance companies really are most of the problem with everything.

Take for example here. Still a law that alloughs me to shoot treaspassers! Ok, you come on my land and break your arm you are dead meat! I mean I can legally shoot you for treaspassing or if I let you live you can sue me because you hurt yourself while illegally on my land!

What's my choice going to be? Pay $50,000 to you after some stupid law suit, or just shoot you while on my land???  Why you think I got bullets for when I don't hunt??

Like shooting a horse with a broke leg, not something I really want to do.

I won't let the insurance companies run my life, I don't have any insurance, so most likely I would just shoot an injured trespasser since I would never pay them anything, lets hope it never comes to that!!!

« Last Edit: April 10, 2005, 07:59:50 AM by nothing to lose »


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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #30 on: April 10, 2005, 08:01:22 PM »
The G*d D*m lawyers are the one encouraging this sort of opportunistic litigation. we wont be safe till the last lawyer is strangled on the guts of the last politician.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2005, 08:01:22 PM by drdongle »


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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #31 on: April 12, 2005, 06:06:13 AM »
I tend to be a liberal, but I'd support letting prisoners sort garbage. Heck, I also support letting death row inmates - those proven guilty based on overwhelming evidence, or DNA evidence - be used for medical research.

I do like that prisoner thing - many good points. Cheap labor, outdoor work for the prisoners, lower landfills. Strict monitoring though, should anyone happen to find a $50 bill that made it into the trash, or a Rolex watch or something. Sell them for charity or something, minus the usual "skimming fees" of a corrupt government organization.

« Last Edit: April 12, 2005, 06:06:13 AM by Jeff7 »


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Re: Frustrated Scrounge!
« Reply #32 on: April 12, 2005, 08:35:12 AM »
Most prisons I hear about have a waiting list to get these 15 cent an hour jobs.

Extra good behavior etc, will get them on the list for 'outdoor' jobs.

Once they have a good job, they behave to be sure to keep them.

Just the sale of the recycleables like steel and Al would surely pay any extra costs and more. 100 guys at 15 cents an hour is $15. Al cans are around 57 cents.

They better be able to get 26 pounds of cans an hour, thats only 4 ounces per man-hour!  Not including steel, copper, and other!
« Last Edit: April 12, 2005, 08:35:12 AM by ghurd »<<<-----Information on my Controller