In Hugh Piggot's book, Windpower Workshop, he states that brushless DC motors are just about perfect for use as generators on wind turbines. On discovering that computer fans were powered by these motors I put one on a vacuum cleaner and drew air through it, but I got no current registered with a volt meter. Now I know very little about electics and the more I read the less I understand, so could any of you help me by answering the following questions:
A) Can a computer fan be used to generate electricity?
B) If it can, will it be DC or AC?
C) If not, could computer fans be adapted for use as generators, by removing the M.O.S.F.E.T.s (which I believe change AC to DC) or other components?
I have put these questions to people who are more up on this subject but have not recieve a definative reply from anyone.
Your comments would be much appreciated.