While on a conf call my APC SmartUPS 1000 started making a loud strange noise. Giving me notice the batteries were failing. While removing the two batteries 12v 12ah, noticed on the side “charge to 14.0v if cycled 14.5vâ€. UPS charging voltage is 13.89v (no batt). Battery ~5yr old.
Put a 23w load on battery, capacity 4ahr.
Charged with current limited 14.0v power supply.
Cycled twice.
Capacity picked up a bit. Seen this before, cycling a battery tends to remind it how to work again.
Figured 14v seemed better what would 14.5v get me?
Each cycle the capacity increased, 3 times up to 7-8ah.
Like many; if more is better... what does MORE get you?
Recharged with 14.5v, then boosted voltage to 15v.
After a while could hear a weak bubbling noise with ear placed on battery.
Watched for swelling using a caliper no change.
Not wanting to boil out the electrocute, terminated after 1 hour. (current had dropped, not zero)
Capacity now just below 10ah!
Charged again at 14.5v once charged, continued with 15v, stopped when current stopped dropping. Not very long.
Placed batteries back into UPS, been over a year, still passing self test at 60% load.
Saved me ~$50.
Since, tried this on a couple other SLA. Good batteries, took very little current after boosting voltage above 14v. No noticeable change in capacity. YMMV.
Have fun,