Author Topic: Ni-Fe battery price  (Read 17824 times)

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Re: Ni-Fe battery price
« Reply #33 on: January 15, 2015, 01:39:37 PM »
One thing is for sure, If you use them to store electricty, lead acid don't seem very cheep either when you go to buy them.  I found it to hurt pretty bad in fact.

Mary B

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Re: Ni-Fe battery price
« Reply #34 on: January 15, 2015, 05:10:00 PM »
I rarely go below 50% DOD so battery life will be 7-10 years. I can replace them twice for the same cost of your bank and have money left over for more solar panels.  And no yearly electrolyte changes that also add to your costs. A little distilled water now and then is all I need.


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Re: Ni-Fe battery price
« Reply #35 on: July 02, 2015, 09:37:56 PM »
Oh absolutely, I was simply giving background info as to how I stumbled upon the subject of Ni-Fe batteries. it was probably completely unnecessary. But seeing as I only just opened this forum account to post this one subject, I thought I would address the sceptics.

i did some back of the fag packet calculation and it works out at a 10 year + payback period, before we even look at future value of money calculations for peak/off-peak arbitrage.

I was simply checking if there is any interest out there for retail/home users in placing a large group order of these if the price can be beaten significantly (and for bargaining power), seeing as I personally have no use for them other than purely hobby interests, it would make little sense for me to order just one cell. But having been very impressed by Ian's feedback as well as other forums out here, I thought it might help a lot of people if I lent my Russian connections as well as doing business in Russia experience to ship these over to the EU and US. Especially since they look a lot higher quality than the more expensive and plastic alibaba counterpart.

Correct me if I am wrong but from having looked at various forum posts, the biggest problem with the Ni-Fe batteries is their purchase price and physical size, otherwise they are superior to other alternatives for backup and off grid power storage in every conceivable way?

I would love to see a list of what is great about NiFe.
Changhong Batteries in China has made way more of them, for over 40 years,
than anyone and they never lied about how great they are. One big Government
order in China exceeds everything ever shipped to North Amerca - ever.

For years I clung to hope for the technology but now with this new problem
of getting Lithium Hydroxide - that was about it.

Nasty water guzzlers is what they really are. Can't get enough.
The list of problems with NiFe just keeps getting longer.

I'm keeping an eye on the sealed AHI Batteries from Aquion Energy.
They are liable to start pulling it together by next year.
Homeowner field reports look good so far.

Bill Blake


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Re: Ni-Fe battery price
« Reply #36 on: July 04, 2015, 12:11:33 PM »
Hello Y'all,  If I was going a non lead acid it would be with the new saltwater batteries.  They survive a 100 percent DOD for 3,000 cycles if I remember correctly.  Big and heavy while limited temperature range as they have reduced performance above 104f also to my memory after emailing the comapny engineer.  Certified cradle to death they are a true green battery.  There is a blog on the AltE website.  They do a price comparison and if I remember someone did some experimenting with the midnight classics with them.  I do not kniw if that was a special firmware or what.  New technology and bound to go down in price with improvements along the way.  That is the way I would go.  As far as grid backup on Mwatt scale there is alot of research being done on a liquid metal technology.

Best regards,