Author Topic: wondering about things like the electricity freedom system  (Read 30059 times)

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wondering about things like the electricity freedom system
« on: February 20, 2016, 07:04:12 PM »
I stumbled on this thing called the electricity freedom system, by Rich Lubbock. I did not buy it or anything. Especially because I looked for reviews and the ones I found seemed like just advertisements for the system.
But it did make me curious if a retrieval of energy through decomposition could be possible and anywhere as efficient as advertised.
and saying that this can be built for $200. Is quite not in the realm of what I would consider possible.
using plywood and other easy to source parts and using a gas that is not quite biogas that is more efficient supposedly seems dodgy to me to say the least. Don't get me wrong. I do believe that it is possible to create a tremendous amount of energy with grass or corn just by fermenting it. I as a child had first hand experience with a feed called Silage created by compressing grass or corn (the whole Plant stalk and all) Chopped up and then compressed with tractor, the grass was compressed as is. tarps covering it. Then dirt and old tires covered the mound. Interestingly enough two things #1 was while it is fermenting the mount puts out warmth for a while. #2 After a few months when we started to take the silage to feed the animals even in freezing temperatures as soon as the silage is exposed to the air it became warm, actually warm enough to "steam " kinda like breath in the cold. so there is quite a bit of energy Stored in vegetation.
I would be really interested, if any of you know about any of these systems. I would like to know if the electricity freedom system sort of works, if anyone has any info on this or any other system based on decomposition to create energy.


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Re: wondering about things like the electricity freedom system
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2016, 08:48:33 PM »
hydrogen gas from electrolysis
methane gas from anaerobic composting
never heard of "the electricity freedom system"

Frank S

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Re: wondering about things like the electricity freedom system
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2016, 10:05:12 PM »
A little thing called there is no such thing as a free lunch comes to mind
 the publisher of the Electricity Freedom system spins a good yarn. Somewhere in my archives I believe that somebody actually sent me the full downloaded program of it.
   OK sure there were several pages  explaining how to build a few devices such as a gasafier  methane generators and the like all of which could actually be connected to power some kind of engine which in turn powers a generator. then the author strays into talking about building wind turbines solar PV  and other things.
 the unit he / they were referring to in the first part of their spiel could be built for around $200.00 US and should a person follow their plans exactly they might and I will reiterate MIGHT produce a few hundred watt hours in a 24 hour period. And maybe if they were to scale it up 50 or 100 times the size of the model then devoted virtually every second of their time plus the time of their entire family to feeding the system gathering the raw fuel source watching over it as if were a breached birth calf for the rest of their lives then yes they could achieve the stated goal of 70 to 80 % electrical energy independence.
  We have a lot of off gridders here myself included who will tell you straight up that there is a lot of work to being off grid, all systems require maintenance and watching over no matter how elaborate the automatic controlling systems become. Plus the bottom line is if is very difficult if not down right impossible to do so cheaper than being on the grid. 
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Re: wondering about things like the electricity freedom system
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2016, 02:05:45 AM »
I figured something like this, Hey if you can dig through your archives, I'd like to see the pdf. Just to see what is.
PS: Does anyone know how to get in touch with the admin of the forum cause I made this account cause I Lost access to the email for terramir and somehow I dun remember my pass


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Re: wondering about things like the electricity freedom system
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2016, 03:46:53 AM »
I have sent you a PM; if you need email or password changing please PM me.




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Re: wondering about things like the electricity freedom system
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2016, 12:19:22 PM »
thanks for the links dnix71
ahhh nice to be in my own "skin" again so to speak thanks DamonHD

btw I really like to get a look at that pdf just to see what does not work :p



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Re: wondering about things like the electricity freedom system
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2016, 04:24:02 PM »
A fellow by the name of Al Rutan, sadly passed on now, who wrote quite a bit about methane production using digesters, and published many of his designs.  Search engines can come up with many of these for no cost at all.  Many others as well, as it is relatively low tech but effective.  Rich
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Re: wondering about things like the electricity freedom system
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2016, 09:36:57 AM »
This is one of the earliest people who developed the idea.
Once you get into reading, you find other links that are real informative. AND great reading.

This is also where I did most of my testings from.
Sadly the CITY frowns on having a methane lab in my back yard :-(.
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