Author Topic: Cost and Benefits of a Wood Boiler  (Read 1407 times)

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Cost and Benefits of a Wood Boiler
« on: May 10, 2006, 10:40:27 AM »
Hello, I have posted this on my web site, but since I have experience with only one wood boiler, I would greatly appreciate any additional advice from people who also have experience with wood boilers so I can make the article more useful.

With the rapid increase in fuel costs, many people are turning to the older technology of wood boilers to heat their homes. A wood boiler does not rely on foreign dictatorships but on local supplies. Many people in rural areas, such as

my home state of Vermont, have access to their own timber supplies, as least supplementary to their full needs.

But just as someone in Seattle might not want to install a solar system on their roof to cover their electrical needs, wood boilers are not for every home in every place. Here are some important steps to complete.

1. Do a cost/benefit analysis

Wood can be as inexpensive as 1/4 the cost of gas per BTU, and that's a number that is moving in favor of wood with every rise in the cost of natural gas.

However, there is the cost of a wood boiler to consider, which will run from 7,500 to roughly 15,000 to buy and install, assuming outside labor. This assumes a sturdy system that will last for many, many years.

What is your energy usage, and how long will it take you to recoup your initial investment. You might find that saving hundreds or thousands every year in fuel costs will allow it to be paid off relatively quickly.

Read the rest

« Last Edit: May 10, 2006, 10:40:27 AM by (unknown) »