You don't understand how a typical solar controller works.
The battery gets to full voltage. The controller opens a semiconductor. No amps flow. The panel goes to open voltage of 21V.
With a windmill, the battery gets to full voltage. The controller opens a semiconductor. No amps flow. The windmill is unloaded, the blades go faster, increasing the open voltage even more.
The semiconductor is maybe rated for 30V. It is trying to stop 50V? 100V? Whatever, but it blows up.
Wind generator controllers actually regulate the battery.
The wind generator is connected directly to the battery.
It is important for the blades to be loaded (by charging the battery) all the time.
Also, the panel is near 2A. Without a transformer, the 4 coils are about 3A.
If the input:output amps of the transformer can manage a lowly 1:2, then the 7A is already exceeded.
"(not sure exactly how fast but about half what the cordless drill was capable of)."
Maybe 500RPM?
Most stepper motors cog pretty bad, needing low TSR blades to get them turning in 'normal wind'. That can make 500RPM relatively fast.
With 10:1, and 500RPM making 150V, I think it would be kind of difficult to get much output in 'normal wind'.
Stepper motors do some strange things. It's not easy to predict how they will act in real life use.