Author Topic: Heavy truck fuel usage comparisons?  (Read 250 times)

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Heavy truck fuel usage comparisons?
« on: August 26, 2005, 11:06:42 PM »
I have done google but cant really seem to find any credible tests that have been done on trucks like 18 wheelers that give actual milage figures for diferent brands and models of trucks. I know some get as poor as 2.5 gallons per mile or even worse and many say that they averge as high as 6 mpg but theses are manufactures selling trucks.

I know Mercedes and Volvo make truck engines and they are supposed to the top mpg getters. I am sure with disel at $8.00 a gallon in UK they must get better mileage than here in US where its getting near $3.00.

If your driving 120,000 miles a year I am sure that any little bit of more mileage would be a lot of money and a lot of saved fuel.

Any ideas where to get some real figures and facts on this?

A local fellow had a brand new truck for sale after only using it a week . I asked why and he said it used almost twice the fuel of his old truck which he bought back and was still using it! He made me promise not to tell anyone why he was selling it brand new....
« Last Edit: August 26, 2005, 11:06:42 PM by (unknown) »