Author Topic: HaPpY EaRtHdAy!!!  (Read 329 times)

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HaPpY EaRtHdAy!!!
« on: April 22, 2007, 09:10:10 PM »
Happy Earthday!

    I hope this day finds you all well.

It's a day to think back to what we've done to mother earth

It's a great day to do the things that we can to keep her well

It's a wonderful day to look ahead at what we can all do together to make a difference

It's a splendid day to decide that every day is EarthDay!

It's a time to make a difference, to turn the tide, to do our part, to share those thoughts and stand up for mother earth.

It's a great time to think green

It's a wonderful time to be green

It's a splendid time to be greener!

It's a grassroots move, a seed we must plant

It's a great grassroots move that stems from within

It's a wonderful grassroots move that branches out to others

It's a splendid grassroots move that can grow like weeds & blossom yearlong if we nurture it!

It's a vote & a lifestyle change

It's a great vote & a lifestyle change that tells our neighbors and the world

It's a wonderful vote & a lifestyle change that demands attention

It's a splendid vote & a lifestyle change that will be a part of everyday life


THINK green          - think of ways, even little ways that we can each make a difference

BE green             - be green in your everyday life, conserve and reuse, make changes in your lifestyle

ACTOUT green    - write your congress and your senate, become involved in your community's efforts to be green

DEMAND green  - buy green, vote green, hit 'em where it hurts!


David Brownscombe

Carson, Washington (the EverGreen state)

« Last Edit: April 22, 2007, 09:10:10 PM by (unknown) »


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Re: HaPpY EaRtHdAy!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2007, 03:12:34 PM »
Id like to say a Happy Earthday too. (I saw the google logo for it :-) )
« Last Edit: April 22, 2007, 03:12:34 PM by AbyssUnderground »

nothing to lose

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Re: HaPpY EaRtHdAy!!!
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2007, 08:06:51 PM »
Bah, Humbug.

Want green? Wear same shorts for a week, maybe two!

Global warming is green! Greenhouse Effect, etc... Better plants world wide, most plants are green! End world hunger, melt those ice caps, fresh water for all! Find new dirt under some of that ICE plant new crops! Warm the Globe, feed the people!

Green is a politically NON-Correct statement, unless the green is under the table!

Kinda like the Energy Star Seal for power wasting junk that never actaully turns off! OFF is NOT a Mode, it's a State Of Being, Either ON or OFF, Live or Dead, NO MODE NO IN BETWEEN!!! You either are alive or you are dead, If you breath your alive, if you don't your dead! If it eats ANY power it's ON, if it uses NO power it's OFF.

Gotta love the Energy star and Green Seal, only uses X milliwatts when in off "mode", TIMES 5 TRILLION NATION WIDE!!!!

 Maybe more!

What is 1 milliwatt times 5 trillion, anyone want to do the math on that?

CA. has power problems, how many devices in California alone eat how much power when in off "MODE" while people work or businesses are closed???? How about in IL. where power rates just soared!!!

Some of the above was a joke, some not, figure out which and think about it!  :)

Happy Earth day,

« Last Edit: April 22, 2007, 08:06:51 PM by nothing to lose »