Author Topic: Net-Metering Suggestion?  (Read 457 times)

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Net-Metering Suggestion?
« on: November 27, 2007, 07:03:24 PM »
I've been reading all of the frustration on a state-by-state basis with the local net-metering rules, month by month vs yearly net metering, and the whole debate about avoided cost. Here are my thoughts:

  1. Avoided cost - The utilities pay Uncle Sam taxes on the energy they sell, let them have your excess at this cost.
  2. Move the entire country to a net-metering by year standard instead of month by month.. but still allowing the local utilities to pay their avoided costs (higher in certain areas.., etc)

Now for the Big Carrot....

3. The Federal Govt. should give individuals who sell their excess renewable energy back to the grid a tax deduction or deferral based on the annual difference between average natural cost per kWh, and the avoided cost paid to them by the utilities... The tax deferral or deduction would really be towards maintenance of the equipment..

Any other incentives the govt wants to give the small guys to get setup (grants etc) are great.

Your thoughts on this energy policy?


Not sure what you are looking for here? This should probably be a Diary entry. As far as I know none of us here are in a position to create energy policy. Please make it a Diary. Comments disabled.

« Last Edit: November 27, 2007, 07:03:24 PM by (unknown) »