Author Topic: Post by Santi re blade design [CLOSED]  (Read 881 times)

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Post by Santi re blade design [CLOSED]
« on: November 17, 2008, 04:56:49 PM »
Hi I have just signed up and will make a wind generator as soon as possible. I am lucky? to live in a windy open place in the heart of the Suffolk, England countryside.

I was intrigued by the post by Santi and like the look of these blades. However, i am probably dumb to ask this but please humour me.

The photo of the completed project seems to show the blades mounted horizontally. Is this possible? or is the photo just shown at the wrong angle.

As far as brittle PVC is concerned the suns UV rays make it so in time.

I would expect this to be cured by coating and protecting the PVC with maybe a tinted fibre glass resin or even somthing simpler like black paintable mastic such as is used for waterproofing flat roofs. If you cant get it to stick to the PVC sand the blades before applying oil based undercoat followed by the mastic.

Easy to recoat as and when necessary.


You posted no link so no idea what you are on about. Try reposting with some actual information that does not require telepathy to understand. Never heard of "Santi". If it was posted on a [this] forum why not discuss it wherever it was posted?

« Last Edit: November 17, 2008, 04:56:49 PM by (unknown) »


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Re: Post by Santi re blade design
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2008, 11:45:45 AM »

Mastic has a very rough surface, what about drag and turbulance.  I unfortunately live in a poor wind area, but I have played with blades PVC and wood. Read all you can on wood blades and go down that route. The first one I made was a simple 2 blade 18 inch just to see if I could. Then a 5ft version of the same, at this point if you want to test them make a test rig, a smack on the head from a piece of 4X2 spinning

 on a hand held motor hurts.  I then made 3 individual baldes and mounted them on a hub 1mtr swept area.  PVC blades do work but they flex a lot.

There is a lot of information on this site, write down your questions and look for the answers, they will be here. Also read the introduction to wind power, on this site, there are detailed plans to build complete systems.

If your in a good wind site exploit it for all its worth.

Good luck


« Last Edit: November 17, 2008, 11:45:45 AM by tanner0441 »