Remote Living > Transportation

Electric Motorcycle build question

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I hope you wife is doing better.

As to your question of
--- Quote ---what could I expect milage wise
--- End quote ---
You haven't provided near enough information.

You mention deep cycle 12v gel but you give no size.

You don't give an amp or wattage rating of the motor but let's assume the motor is rated 20 amp.  Overvolted to 36v (which would probably be OK for a 27v motor) will give you 720 watts.  This is just a SWAG but... you're kaw is going to need somewhere around 5000 watts in order to hit 60mph.  Efficient gearing can bring the wattage requirement down.

A former member here has done a lot of experimenting with this kind of stuff.  His web site is: (most of the EV stuff is under the "Energy (Renewable)" link)
This one in particular used a kaw KE-175 converted to electric:

The site Tinbendr mentioned is good as is

It sounds like a fun project John... keep us updated?

Bruce S:

--- Quote from: divemaster1963 on June 15, 2010, 08:50:04 PM ---I'm sorry for the confusion. I have had little sleep sense my wife broke her hip week ago sunday. had surgery Tues morning. st oped breathing wed night. almost lost her due to overdose of med by doctor. just got her home today.

The motor is DC not ac. the motor is from the Air conditioner blower off a transit bus. ???

thank you for any info you have.

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No worries on the confusion, we can understand to need to not be into this stuff right now.
First take care of the wife, good ones are hard to find these days.

Now that it is DC, can you grab a picture of the information plate? If it is similar to the buses around here the voltage is going to be pretty high, good for efficiency, might be a challenge for battery arrangement and chargers.

Zap is also correct come back with some more info on the batteries you have on hand as well.

Best of luck and sue the pants off the DOC!!! at the very least complain to the medical review board...

Bruce S

OK I finally had a little time now the wife is feeling better.
I picked up one of the candidate motors Sat.
It is a Thermo king

1.4 hp
1700 rpm
27 volt dc
51 amps

If I push this to 36 volts I think that would make possibly apx. 2000 watts of power. If I can get the gearing to get the rpms up I think it may work. If I can get 50 mph for short durations like 5miles That would get me into the 45mph zones in the city.
I also came across a died 24 volt scooter. I think I can use the throttle speed controller and maybe the speed controller. It is one of those cheap Chinese ones that sold for 250-300 dollars about 4years ago.  I'll get photos up on the motor and the scooter as soon as The rain will permit.

What are the thoughts of success of the Idea?


Bruce S:

--- Quote from: divemaster1963 on July 18, 2010, 05:31:51 PM ---OK I finally had a little time now the wife is feeling better.
I picked up one of the candidate motors Sat.
It is a Thermo king

1.4 hp
1700 rpm
27 volt dc
51 amps

If I push this to 36 volts I think that would make possibly apx. 2000 watts of power. If I can get the gearing to get the rpms up I think it may work. If I can get 50 mph for short durations like 5miles That would get me into the 45mph zones in the city.
I also came across a died 24 volt scooter. I think I can use the throttle speed controller and maybe the speed controller. It is one of those cheap Chinese ones that sold for 250-300 dollars about 4years ago.  I'll get photos up on the motor and the scooter as soon as The rain will permit.

What are the thoughts of success of the Idea?


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Hope all is well.
pushing the motor from 27 to 36 will allow the motor to get up to speed much easier without too much of an issue, but since you will be pushing the motor well over a 20% increase of it's rated voltage, you might need to have a close look at the windings. Make sure they are up to the task and can handle the extra work. You'll be trying to ask them to work an extra 500 watts.

The cheap set might be okay for testing , but I would not rely on them for very long. Most of these were/are built for the throw away society and may be even at their limit when pushed at 24V, going to 36V on these may let out the magic smoke.
You may be better off building a PWM for it and use the 5k POT throttle to go from stand still to wide open. Let gearing and tires get you up to the speed.
At 36V and if you can get the full 51A, that 1800+ watts so you certainly need a good sized battery bank.
I would shoot for being able to take it 15 miles at the 45mph and set your battery range for that.

Welcome back

Bruce S



--- Quote from: divemaster1963 on July 18, 2010, 05:31:51 PM ---If I push this to 36 volts I think that would make possibly apx. 2000 watts of power.

--- End quote ---

Be careful about exceeding the max current rating.  One of the possible outcomes is demagnetization of the magnets. 

You can use the additional voltage to increase the torque at the upper rpm range but don't apply it at stall or very low rpm.


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