Homebrewed Electricity > Hydro

Water to pump water for irrigation

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Mary B:
I use drip irrigation. Instead of putting water in the air where it evaporates I put it at the roots where it is needed. Uses about 1/4 the water normal sprinkling would.

I think that drip irrigation is a nice technique to have available.   Especially with many techniques to pump water with water do not pump all that much water, so good to make a little go a long way.   

Pressure compensated drip irrigation from Netafim


Make a little water go a long way and overcome distribution gradient


Mary B:
My system runs at 10PSI I have a pressure reducer on the filter for the drip tape.

For row crop I use this drip tape the medium flow 4" on center emitters.  https://www.dripworks.com/dripworks-100-drip-tape-rolls
For the container herb garden area I use 3 of these per container, the 1GPH https://www.dripworks.com/take-apart-emitters

Drip Works has some of the best prices out there on garden irrigation stuff! My go to source and no I am not paid by them to promote their products, I wish! Use about $100 worth of products a year... usually from lawn mower accidents LOL I have to replace my main line this year, chewed the side of it with the mower deck last year. Taped it up but it still leaks. I am revamping the garden to wider rows this year so I can get in there with a rolling seat for weeding to take pressure off my spine. Need to downsize, body is telling me no more giant garden.

Have you got any suitable solution for irrigation or still looking for solutions?


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