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Windows 98 need an expert.

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Bruce S:
IF you have another computer and a blank CD USB is preferable if the old computer can boot from a USB , you can easily build a boot-able CD and load a computer tool known as Ventoy , you should be able to google it for download sites.
It has a password reset function in it. It WILL NOT tell you want the current password is, but allows you to merely change it.

We have it here as a recovery tool and it has never failed us, even with Secure boot enabled on the newer computers.

Hope this helps
Bruce S

Download a self-booting linux iso, burn it to CD, and use that to boot so you can rename your pwl file.  Its using FAT file system, which linux can write over files without any issues.  Most of the distros have it down where a zero experience user can navigate the UI in Gnome or KDE.  The popular distros you should have no problems finding are elementary OS, Mint, OpenSuSE, and Ubuntu.


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