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Windows 98 need an expert.

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The password in win98 is meaningless.  Did you try to not enter one?  Doesn't work?  Hit cancel and add a new user.  Problem solved.


Getting a windows 98 machine to work with a modern printer is going to be hard...no one makes drivers for them.  Getting an old printer to work is going to have a problem because no one makes ink for them.  You could possibly work out a dot matrix printer, they're still out there and considered workhorses for a lot of fields, but seems overkill for what you're doing.

Will it let you save the file locally?  What kind of extension does it save as if so?  Your best bet here would be saving the file locally and then moving it to a modern machine to print via a USB thumb drive.

As for the password issue...where is it asking you for a password?  Like when you log onto windows or is it happening when you perform some action after windows has launched?

You are aware that connecting this machine to the internet in any way is inherently risky, right?


--- Quote from: makenzie71 ---You are aware that connecting this machine to the internet in any way is inherently risky, right?
--- End quote ---

:)  I am now. I had solved the problem with the printer a while back. Its an old printer using a parallel port, believe it or not the old printer cartridges are available at Staples.

Heres the latest, Windows fixed alot of these password bugs with Windows 98 Professional thats what Im running. This whole time before it never asked for a password. I have the win98 pro CD in trying to resolve this password issue I used the repair function booting from the CD. Well it repaired it and made the password work again.

Were dealing with win98 pro everything is different when it comes to standard win 98. I have a good job on a Jeep coming in on thursday. I guess I will be hand writing estimates for now. Months back I had a customer return to me and demand a printed invoice I was able to do that at the time and it was no problem. Recently I got the thing into safe mode problem is its still asking for a password. 

Mary B:
quick search turned up this

In Win98, you can reset your password by doing the following:

1)  At the Windows Password Prompt, hit cancel.
2)  Once Windows has finished loading, go to Start->Find Files and Folders.
3)  Type *.pwl in the Named field.  Make sure "Look In:" says C: and click Find Now.  Delete the PWL file that has your username.
4)  Restart Windows.
5)  Enter the same Username you've been using at the Windows Logon prompt along with what you want your password to be.

Windows should log you on and remember this password.  Post back if this doesn't work...

CAVEAT any other passwords on the system may be wiped...

better is use your win 98 CD/rescue disc(if you have it...) in \TOOLS\RESKIT run pwledit...

been a long time since I did any 98 so that is a fuzzy area...


None of those options are available there is no cancel button. The only way Im going to be able to recover this computer in with a physical CD I spent 40 bucks today I cant even get the software to download on this computer (which should be fine) im so sick of this. I give up... its been a number of days trying to resolve this.


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