I found an old machine called a 'Stenorette'. Its made in Great Britan, with many pieces that are German. Actually, the gutz are mostly German.
What I Know:
Model Name: Embassy/2
US Patent No. 3,057.570
US Distrib: DeJUA
115v 32w 60hz/cps (cycle per second?)
This machine was some old recoreder of some sort. Looked similar to a reel to reel.
I can't get the motor open but rather than having an axle/coils on bearings; it has a drum with a fixed axle (to the drum). The entire drum rotates, while the base has 3 screw-mounts sticking out, under the coils.
- = Axle
[ = drum
< = coils
| = Mount
= = Wires
-[ Rotates around <|
<|= is inside of -[
<|= is fixed and has the coil/wires
Its about 4" across and 4" high. There is a plastic, glued in cap the i suspect would allow me to disassemble the device.
Im sure i just typed all this for another fridge magnet :p
Happy new guys! Many a free KW to you!