There is another possiblity that I think would probably be better than trying to hook the three up together, since it (seems to me) it adds the three Vawts resistance together to some degree (?) which limits current more, and in a low to the ground turbulant location such as that, the 3 vawts may often have problems turning with the same torque at the same time, reducing the total power collection even further.
Just today I evidently doubled the consistency and Watthours of my small 6-7 Sq.ft. Vawt by accident. It was unhooked and spinning quite fast, so I quickly hooked it up to only 2 (instead of 3) of the phases while watching the ammeter. I noticed a big improvement immediately. This is similar to your single phase Vawts.
Recall, it is hooked up to two AC running capacitors (200vac/ 70mF each I believe) hooked it SERIES and one bridge rectifier-- and I said I was getting decent but weird results.
Well, now it is doing a LOT better and doing at LEAST TWICE the consistent power (WH) especially in lower turbulant wind.
Evidently, the voltage was much TOO high with all three phases going thru the high voltage capacitors, that the vawt was in some STALL in very low winds and breezes without me knowing it. I also hooked it up to a big DC motor to make sure the power was real and not a trick, and joyfully, it was real. (and tried numerous meters)
From the results I am now getting, I have changed my mind when I said above:
"I hate to say it but, Even though it looks impressive turning 60-80rpm when all my Hawts are not even moving, it is really just an illusion, there really is little power (real extra torque)there, it is just mostly free-coasting with the slow wind breeze."
I am having much better results now with the vawt even turning slowly.(even under 60rpm / It even trickle charges barely moving 10rpm) I'm not sure I understand it.
You might want to get some capacitors and try increasing the voltage on each of your Vawts Separately with this type of circuit in addition to your normal higher current circuit(s). I am going to get more capacitors from the 'Surplus Center' and try to make it even better. DC capacitors might be even better--I have no idea.
But be very careful though, I heard capacitors can explode in certain situations.
I really do not know much about capacitors and the limit of current they can handle or how to calculate it. I'm just experimenting myself.