And sometimes, there isn't any visible loss of light at all - I live near a paper mill, and when conditions are just right, I can have a 'clear' sky, yet the output still randomly and radically drops.
Even though the moisture has dissipated to the point of invisible, if the exhaust from the stacks is being blown in the line of sight to the sun, I lose up to 50% of my normal output. After some serious thought, research, and several weeks of paying close attention, I concluded this is CO2 in the exhaust, blocking infrared; a key component in usable PV light.
This one was baffling at first, but I finally determined that I wasn't in fact losing my mind (or panel) and that there was a real cause behind it. At one point I was looking for wiring problems and even monitoring output while slightly flexing the panel to see if there was a hairline or something... all to find out the problem was in the sky, but I just couldn't directly see it. Talk about nerve racking!
Looks like all this treehugger greenhouse gas paranoia crap we've been getting our heads filled with all these years actually may have a use after all! LOL