I have an air-x and those turkies are noisy. My solution is to remove and replace with a twin bladed wood prop 5 ft in diameter. The noise you are hearing is what air-x calls their overspeed protection. The blades actually cavitates, at least thats what mine do-did. I think it is a consperacy to make people and their neighbors hate wind power. Yah, some big oil anti alternative energy chump desiged these and flooded the market with them. And now everytime you talk to a newby about the benefits of wind power they always ask," Yah, but dont they make alot of noise and keep you up all night?"
I make a twin bladed prop that out performs air-x in every department. Mine are dead quiet and they are more powerfull. And the best part is that they are realy easy to build and mount. No hub to fuss with and they are super strong. My concept is dont furl just build strong enough to take it, no matter what. Use all that extra energy you are getting from the high winds. Heck in my house hold when the wind blows hard its time to really start using the power.
Just one thing, I will send pics if you would like but earlier attempts of mine to do so failed. Does anybody know the secret to do this?
Sounds like you have some great wind. You need two or three more of those puppies, Use the excess power to produce hydrogen. And then use that to heat your house and cook with.