Only 90AH?
Really, it seems like a reasonable match to what is available for charging.
I use 1%/day for the calculator, but SLA's are a lot less.
I set up a retail bulk food store with about the same battery and solar power.
It runs the converted 12V cash register, inverter powered credit card machine (not often), and 7806 supplied FDA scale.
Sometimes the fire / motion alarm too. I mean if it was not illegal to have the fire alarm clips on the battery.
(Though a fire alarm is NOT required, it is totally illegal here to use a non UL alarm. The building inspector made the shopkeeper disconnect it. Nothing is better than something?) End Rant.
No problems at all in a <0.5H/D worst case insolation, and guessing 5~6 years since the install.
So you CAN expect some use with the system!