Author Topic: Anonymous Hero postings!!! Please make them go AWAY!  (Read 634 times)

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Anonymous Hero postings!!! Please make them go AWAY!
« on: June 04, 2003, 11:03:47 PM »
The new board is beginning to turn into a version of a Usenet Group.  I'd almost prefer the old board with its more down to earth posts.  The Quarantine Zone was a good first step, but I'm afraid that the animals are beginning to escape to the "Weird Science" and "Homebrewed Electricity" sections.
My two cents worth.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2003, 11:03:47 PM by (unknown) »


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Animal House
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2003, 11:35:47 PM »
Oh, pipe down George, it's not the end of the world.  but thanks for the tip, "Weird Science" you say eh?  I'll have to go check out Weird Science now, sounds fun.

And Georgie, making them use a name wont help, they can use 10 names with 10 different emails.

See?, you need a watch dog, on coils even.  Send Johnny Cool Pants in there, he'll take care of them.

Raise you, 4 cents.

Cool Pants Fan

« Last Edit: June 04, 2003, 11:35:47 PM by (unknown) »


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I agree!!
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2003, 12:02:03 AM »
I agree 100%!! Seems we're overun with people who have as many personalities as they do anonymous posts. It gets pretty ridiculous when people post under their usernames and back themselves up with an anonymous post by one of their many other personalities.

Any member willing to take the time to register (all of 30 seconds) should be more interested in actually contributing to the good of the board instead of hiding behind anonymity to post useless rants.

As far as mutliple usernames, etc. Just allow one username per IP address to keep things on the up and up.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2003, 12:02:03 AM by Brian »


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Yes, Yes. Did I mention I'm for it?
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2003, 06:38:22 AM »
Yes please do get rid of AH posts. Ok let a logged in user post anonmymously. Or post the posters IP with the post like it shows on the admin screens!

But I've been saying that from the start!

If you go back through the logs you will find instances of AH'ers from the same ip as other AH'ers supporting one another. Not being a psychiatrist I'll leave the diagnosis of not only talking to oneself but also answering yourself to those qualified.

Of course, right now, the one "for" allowing AH posts is anonymous. Go figure.



« Last Edit: June 05, 2003, 06:38:22 AM by TomW »


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« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2003, 06:56:47 AM »
I like the old board that doesn't ask you for ID.
What is this GW Shrub new papers, papers ,papers rules. Please . I don't to provide NOTHING to post a message on a board. My name tells all and any interested in my message to reply.That is why I am an AH.  And will remain that way.
Jungle Bill
« Last Edit: June 05, 2003, 06:56:47 AM by (unknown) »


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Voting with your feet... er, eyes?
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2003, 06:59:17 AM »
Yep.  Anonymity has it's downside of unaccountability.  You want free speech?  Fine, but it must come at the cost of being accountable for what you say.  If you don't want to be identified with what you say, then don't say it.  Seems simple enough doesn't it?

In the mean time, those of us who don't want to be bothered looking at certain posts still have one old fashioned avenue open to us... IGNORE THEM.  Perhaps (only perhaps) if we ignore irrelevant and sarcastic posts long enough, those posting them will get bored and GO AWAY.  Keep replying, and their attention hungry interest will be held, and they will keep coming back.

I guarantee that by posting these comments, complaining about such posts, we inadvertently encourage more of them.  Keep the posts to alternative energy in the future, ignore the posts the warrant being ignored, and before too long, only those interested in the topic of this board will continue to participate.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2003, 06:59:17 AM by xeroid »


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Your name isn't the only thing that tells...
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2003, 07:07:12 AM »
A name doesn't tell everything.  The style of the writer comes through too.  One can almost "feel" who writes certain posts... Even if they attach someone else's name to it.  

For example, the above post does not sound like the previous posts submitted by Jungle Bill - It doesn't ring true with his writing style or the attitude that comes through his former posts.

...Well, they say impersonation is the highest form of flattery after all.  IF the above is in fact an impersonation, the rest of us would probably all agree that impersonation is an excellent reason to do away with anonymous posts.  

I know I would be pretty upset if someone posted something anonymously and stuck MY name on it...  It would be a deceitful and cowardly thing to do.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2003, 07:07:12 AM by xeroid »


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anon or not
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2003, 07:56:42 AM »
As one who has not loged in and out each visit I have been caught posting anon by not noticing that I am not logged in. Perhaps the error of my postings could be pointed out.

I do agree that if its worth saying it's worth putting your name to, BUT there are many who frequent this board but for one reason or another are reluctant to raise a question.

They need accomodating, we all know the only silly question is the one you don't ask, but how to encourage the silent ppl?

regards Allan

« Last Edit: June 05, 2003, 07:56:42 AM by wpowokal »
A gentleman is man who can disagree without being disagreeable.


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Edit queue
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2003, 08:18:01 AM »

They could easily force all anon stories into an edit queue that an admin could review and post to the board. It is  possible now for logged in users to elect to cloak themselves when they post if they want and I think thats a good option. Its up at the top in a pulldown labeled "Post as" just above the "Subject" box.

Very few boards allow anon story posts and not too many useable boards allow anon comments for the very reasons they are becoming a problem here.

But beating upon dead horses is not something I want to waste time on. The powers that be here seem to think the noise is worth the occasional true note that gets through.

Sometimes it simply comes down to some of the crap has no redeaming value and therefore is not appropriate here.



« Last Edit: June 05, 2003, 08:18:01 AM by TomW »


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AH Posts & Dealing with Them
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2003, 09:01:35 AM »
Hi All,

At one time I belonged to a scientific discussion group and there was a simple solution to all this excrement going on here on the new board, require a real name and a functional email address. You might say, "We have this already", but this is not actually true. While one could submit posts from several email accounts and make up names to go along with those adds the filtering proccess can be set up to end this.


Johnny Dullard wants to disrupt things, call names, and in general make a mess of things.


Require all users to provide a real name to the administrators, with an alternate contact method, such as a physical address or phone number. If the administrators provide privacy assurance users should not have a problem with a set-up like this.


Those not willing to abide by the rules of those that run the show are removed and blocked from future disruptions.

Of course there are savy users that can and will attempt end-runs and use fake names. This is where us as users can use the best filter available, our minds. If you see trouble makers with unreal names like Johnny Dullard or the like, just never click on their postings.

Roger A. Stephenson

aka RogerAS

« Last Edit: June 05, 2003, 09:01:35 AM by (unknown) »


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I'm a believer...
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2003, 11:19:04 AM »
I'm a big believer in being responsible for one's actions.  Anonymity reduces the need to take credit, or punishment, for the things that come out of our mouths.

I just like to know who I'm really talking to, so that I can spend my limited time in worthwhile discussions.

Best Regards,


« Last Edit: June 05, 2003, 11:19:04 AM by troy »


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« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2003, 03:50:18 PM »
Aw, the truth at last. "Then don't say it"  Using fear to keep them quiet even though most of the postings you are complaining about don't seem to be that bad. We're sure you'll take care of that with a few of your own anonymous posts.
These people are going board to board doing this.  They want to know who posted it and where you live and that information will indeed be tagged to every piece of information you post.  Everyone be very careful what you say in here then.  Fear will surely improve the free flow of information.  Anyone trying to make you register to speak freely is not who they claim to be, not your friend, not a friend to this board, not a friend to your country.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2003, 03:50:18 PM by (unknown) »


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Never have, never need to, never will.
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2003, 07:21:26 AM »
About that particular false accusation - "Using fear to keep them quiet even though most of the postings you are complaining about don't seem to be that bad. We're sure you'll take care of that with a few of your own anonymous posts."

I never have posted anonymously on this board (that I recall), I will never need to, and I will never do so.  As for fear, who is afraid here?  Me?  I don't think so.  I don't mind asking questions that I feel may be obvious to those who are more knowledgeable, because I have enough self worth to remain unafraid to do so.  People who are afraid to say something are not victimized by me, nor by anyone on this board - they are only victims of their own internal (and baseless) fears.  Those who live in fear of being persecuted for what they say need to either believe in what they say with all their heart and bear what may come (but usually doesn't), or recant the things that they said and are being persecuted for.

...However, I don't believe anyone has EVER been wrongfully accused or persecuted on this board... at least not by those who are willing to identify themselves in some meaningful way.

I will not be governed by paranoia.  If you want to live in fear, I can't stop you, but it is your choice and yours alone.  "Stand for something, or you'll fall for anything".

Besides all this, do you really think I am clearly identified by "Xeroid"?  People recognize the nick, but that's it.  All my personal information could as easily be mined from elsewhere on the web as it could from this site.  I, like many people have used credit cards over the web for purchasing, and I would be a lot more concerned about my information being stolen through a transaction like that, than being sought out at this site.  Who would do that?  Why?

I'm not important enough to the outside world to be sought out by name and persecuted.  No one would be bothered!  Perhaps you are so important in this world that people will seek you out just to make you miserable, eh?  Think about it.  It's just not a real strong likelihood.

Try not to accuse people of things they haven't done.  And try not to live in fear.  If you can't bear to claim what you have said as yours, it can mean only one of two things - either you know you were wrong and are fearful of the consequences, or you believe you are right, but are too afraid to stand up for what's right.  A bad place to be in either way.

I stand by what I have said in ANY of my postings on this or any other board and you can quote me on that.



« Last Edit: June 06, 2003, 07:21:26 AM by xeroid »


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anon postings
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2003, 04:48:02 AM »
I like it the way it is.  There are some things I may not want my name connected to.

This post is one of those things.  Please take your feet off our flag.  Thank you.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2003, 04:48:02 AM by (unknown) »


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Re: Your name isn't the only thing that tells...
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2003, 06:59:27 AM »
Yes XEROID, Do away with our privacy and safety, the whole bill of rights, all of it, so no one can play a trick on me, ah but the deadly one you are playing, indeed "cowardly and deceitful"

No one needs to sign your name to anything to make you look bad.  You just did it yourself my friend, logged in an everything.  The same (logged in) as in, that way they know it's you, and not someone just "siging your name"

You people scare the hell out of me and I just got sick to my stomac.

« Last Edit: June 07, 2003, 06:59:27 AM by (unknown) »


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Re: I agree!!
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2003, 09:59:04 AM »
Right now, we restrict new accounts per IP address on a time basis.... If we go to only one account per IP address, it messes up people who use networks with a proxy server (like DanF -- it would also mean , for example, that only one person in a large corporation like Southwest Wind Power could use the board), and also the admins (who need to both see what the users see, and all the special admin options too).

So, we are thinking and plotting about what to do about the problem.


« Last Edit: June 07, 2003, 09:59:04 AM by ADMIN »


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Re: anon postings
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2003, 10:23:57 PM »
You give up your right to free speech when you enter a PRIVATE forum. The Admin's have the last call on anything said in here and can delete any post they see fit. They seem to me to be very fair people interested in keeping this forum informative and friendly which is great.  

Hiding behind anonymity to post an opinion is cowardly. The only flag flying in here is the flag and the Admin's rule the land.  

« Last Edit: June 07, 2003, 10:23:57 PM by Brian »


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Re: Anonymous Hero postings?
« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2003, 04:50:04 AM »
This comment by me is a part of

another discussion and comment by me

on the old board.

Please see:

I think that in science is not a good idea to value

ideas according

to the people who proposed it,

but it is sometimes better to think about ideas

according to the value they might have themselves

irrespective of the people who proposed them.

For that reason anonymity is often important.

As I said in another discussion,

many of the writings of Newton

are just astrology (, which is not considered to

be any 'science' nowadays), but we cannot off

hand say that all the theories of Newton are

crazy, because of his other writings.

I'm myself from so small country that all the people

doing something in the field of a science know

each other somehow. Many of things are impossible

to do here because people often cannot agree

that somebody is allowed to do it,

because they don't like

her or him. Much better response for many

scientific writings is often coming

from abroad.

We have seen that people on this board

as well are sometimes too

busy to criticize ideas,

which they don't understand so well.

In my opinion best work is done when there

are many different viewpoints available.

It is as well good, if some of the

viewpoints are sometimes bizarre.

Clowns and fools are sometimes

the most important people,

because they can say the things the others

cannot say.

- Hannu

« Last Edit: June 10, 2003, 04:50:04 AM by hvirtane »


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Re: anon postings
« Reply #18 on: June 10, 2003, 11:43:03 AM »
Dishonest argument suggest alterior motives, makes you a liar and basically shows your argument to be intentionally flase.

It is not a "Private Forum" if it has the Anonymous Hero.  And it is certainly not (your) private forum, Agent Brian, AKA Tom.

Telling us that hiding behind anonymity to post an opinion is cowardly is another false misleading argument because half the Anonymity postings are not opinion, they are information.

Anyone trying to get rid of it is trying to control information and we all know it.

The flag flying here may be the flag, but the Admins do not rule otherpowerville.

That's the problem Tom, the "Admin" comes to think they rule, on or off the board.  The only one to rule here, is the OWNER!  And the OWNER wants the Anony Hero Feature here!

So it is you TOM, and your other names, trying to undo and change the Rule here!  And doing all you can to manipulate the owner and get rid of the people who catch on.  

Why is that Tom?  If you don't agree with the OWNER'S format I think you should pack your bag of names and get out of here.

« Last Edit: June 10, 2003, 11:43:03 AM by (unknown) »


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Re: anon postings
« Reply #19 on: June 10, 2003, 11:57:48 AM »
Wow, you got issues dude. I am Brian, a senior mechanical engineering student at OIT, and have been posting on this board for a little while.... and first found this place(well actually the old board) when researching a college Mechanical engineering project. Paranoia and "conspiracy" dillusions are only making it worse for you and your case for anonymous posts.

Like it or not, the owners DO have control over anything said in here and have the right to censor or delete anything they please, including anything I post. It is their board and their right. If you don't like not being able to cower behind anonymous posts to take shots at people and support your own arguments with multiple personalities, I suggest YOU find somewhere else to go. Ok JCP????

« Last Edit: June 10, 2003, 11:57:48 AM by Brian »


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Re: anon postings
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2003, 05:16:57 AM »

Twisty Twisty

« Last Edit: June 12, 2003, 05:16:57 AM by (unknown) »


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Re: Voting with your feet... er, eyes?
« Reply #21 on: June 12, 2003, 05:24:24 AM »
Most anonymous posting are about "alternative energy"  The majority of rude, come from logged in postings.  I can post them all if you want?
Oh wait, they already are.

Keep digging yourself in.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2003, 05:24:24 AM by (unknown) »


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Re: Edit queue
« Reply #22 on: June 12, 2003, 06:09:24 AM »

"They could easily force all anon stories into an edit queue that an admin could review and post to the board."

What for Tom?  You are "Admin" Tom.  Why do you have to make sure the information in the anonymous postings is suitable for others to read Tom?

"It is  possible now for logged in users to elect to cloak themselves when they post if they want and I think thats a good option"

They're not really "cloaked" (to you) if their logged in now are they Tom?  Of Course you think it's a good idea, Tom.

"Very few boards allow anon story posts and not too many useable boards allow anon comments for the very reasons they are becoming a problem here."

The only problem with it here Tom is the one you by any name, have with it Tom, (From the Start) Remember Tom?  The whole reason you came here Tom.

"But beating upon dead horses is not something I want to waste time on."

Then why do you Tom?

"The powers that be here seem to think the noise is worth the occasional true note that gets through."

The only "Noise" is the noise your making about it Tom.  It only seems to bother you and that little crowd that follows you around from page to page when they're not posting recycled diagrams from our own archives, Tom.

"Sometimes it simply comes down to some of the crap has no redeaming value and therefore is not appropriate here."

Indeed Tom.



Yes you too Tom.

« Last Edit: June 12, 2003, 06:09:24 AM by (unknown) »


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Re: I'm a believer...
« Reply #23 on: June 12, 2003, 06:22:31 AM »

"I'm a big believer in being responsible for one's actions.  Anonymity reduces the need to take credit, or punishment, for the things that come out of our mouths."

If they chose Anonymity they don't want the credit Tom.  Why does someone need to be "Punished" for what comes out of their mouth, Tom?

"I just like to know who I'm really talking to, so that I can spend my limited time in worthwhile discussions."

Well then you don't need to reply to this, do ya Tom?

"Best Regards,



« Last Edit: June 12, 2003, 06:22:31 AM by (unknown) »


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Re: I agree!!
« Reply #24 on: June 12, 2003, 07:29:38 AM »

by Anonymous Hero on Tue Jun 10th,

2003 at 11:43:03 AM MST <--(note the time)

"The only one to rule here, is the OWNER!  And the OWNER wants the Anony Hero Feature here!"

Reply by Brian on Tue Jun 10th,

2003 at 11:57:48 AM MST <-(note the board monitoring bullet sweating time)

"I am Brian, a senior mechanical engineering student at OIT.

Like it or not, the owners DO have control over anything said in here and have the right to censor or delete anything they please, including anything I post. It is their board and their right. If you don't like not being able to cower behind anonymous posts to take shots at people and support your own arguments with multiple personalities, I suggest YOU find somewhere else to go. Ok JCP????"

twisty Twisty, got some kind of manual?

Or does the senior mechanical engineering student at OIT, not comprehend what he reads?

"Multiple Personallities"?  Gee you sound just like Tom, hey just like "dualsporter" too!

"JCP"???  Wow Brian, do you have access to the IP#s too?  Just like "Dualsporter"?  He's an expert on JCP, the Quarantine Zone, and 117 comments on Techstuff wheel, Dualsporter all but makes that claim on the old board.

Only one problem Tom.  The Quarantine Zone and Techstuff's wheel, doesn't exist on the old board.  And "Dualsporter" didn't exist on the new board, That is until we here started to compile the notes between the pings in our ports!

"Dualsporter" thinks JCP answered his own replies in Techstuff wheel, in Quarantine.  Most people familliar with the English Language know that "PS" means "post script" adding foot notes to a post.  Anyone (reading) it would figure it out.  

But you can't read it when you're just looking at the IP #s on an Adminisrtation screen, isn't that right Tom?

You want to tell us what the hell is going on Tom?

"old grump" had (one) story post on the new board, you know what it was Tom?  It was titled "Nothing useful so far" and cussed out JCP.  Well there was a useful post, from a guy not very timid, yet never posted anything prior on the new board.

You know Tom, JCP only has to send (one) letter to DanB.  You know why that is Tom?  Because JCP does his homework Tom.

"josephcrawley" and had (two) postings on this board.  You know what his second one was Tom?

It was a request to do away with Anony Hero, Tom.  

What about the page we're on now Tom?

By WetinOR, Section Rants & Opinion

Posted on Wed Jun 4th, 2003 at 11:03:47 PM MST  

To the Dans: Its obvious that the "Anonymous Hero" (anonymous posts) aren't working."

My two cents worth. George

Why aren't they working Tom?  Most of the ranting is done by logged in users Tom, and I think you know who this is Tom.  Do all your friends carry around two pennys Tom?  Want my two Lincoln Copper Heads Tom?

"I agree!! (none / 0) (#2)

by Brian on Thu Jun 5th, 2003 at 12:02:03 AM MST

(User Info)  

I agree 100%!! Seems we're overun with people who have as many personalities as they do anonymous posts. It gets pretty ridiculous when people post under their usernames and back themselves up with an anonymous post by one of their many other personalities.

Any member willing to take the time to register (all of 30 seconds) should be more interested in actually contributing to the good of the board instead of hiding behind anonymity to post useless rants.

As far as mutliple usernames, etc. Just allow one username per IP address to keep things on the up and up."

Up and Up?

Hows that THomas Brian, do tell?  So Brian has access to the IP#s too?  Well then how does he know it's the same person if they have different personallities????  Too bad you don't Tom, or you wouldn't have gotten caught!  And if Brian is real, it's worse!  

It means your group is sharing a personality!  It only takes 30 seconds to sign the board over to you?  Include this with your phoney complaints to Dan B.  We'll include it with our real one.

Want us to post them all Tom?  Right here?

« Last Edit: June 12, 2003, 07:29:38 AM by (unknown) »


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Re: I agree!!
« Reply #25 on: June 12, 2003, 07:43:57 AM »

"From the start" Tom!  In your own words!

the whole reason you're here!

by TomW on Thu Jun 5th, 2003 at 06:38:22 AM MST

(User Info)  

Yes please do get rid of AH posts. Ok let a logged in user post anonmymously. Or post the posters IP with the post like it shows on the admin screens!

But I've been saying that from the start!

If you go back through the logs you will find instances of AH'ers from the same ip as other AH'ers supporting one another. Not being a psychiatrist I'll leave the diagnosis of not only talking to oneself but also answering yourself to those qualified.

Of course, right now, the one "for" allowing AH posts is anonymous. Go figure.



Oh I think we're all getting a crash course in qualification here, Tom!"

And how do you thing the one "for" AH is going to post?  with a blood sample?

« Last Edit: June 12, 2003, 07:43:57 AM by (unknown) »


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Re: I agree!!
« Reply #26 on: June 12, 2003, 07:48:42 AM »
PS <- it's another "PS" Tom!

"If you go back through the logs you will find instances of AH'ers from the same ip as other AH'ers supporting one another."

You see Tom, only someone going back through the logs IPs, would have thought a "PS" was someone "Answering" their own post.

Are you finished Tom?

« Last Edit: June 12, 2003, 07:48:42 AM by (unknown) »


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Re: I agree!!
« Reply #27 on: June 12, 2003, 07:53:11 AM »
PS <- just another PS Tom

Unless Brian and Dualsporter have access to the Administration IP#s, ????

This is where I hold up the cigar in my trench coat, scratch my head, say "The Mrs. is probably making dinner", jump in my funny Columbo car, and drive away through the credits.

What a tangled web.

« Last Edit: June 12, 2003, 07:53:11 AM by (unknown) »


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Re: I agree!!
« Reply #28 on: June 12, 2003, 01:04:12 PM »
??? Why/How would I have access to anything?? I'm just a poster who gets tired of silly rants and nonsensical arguments posted by anonymous users to stir it up.

How do I fit into the whole "conpiracy against Johnny" thing you have going on? If someone questions your sometimes silly theories, you automatically think they have it out for you. I don't, but science sure does. People would take you a lot more seriously if you would PROVE your claims. Back them up with the numbers!! Until then they are only theories, not fact.

I applaude your desire to go against the norm and explore the realm of "impossibility" as this is where many new ideas come from, but when the numbers and experimental data prove your theories are wrong, LET IT GO!!  

As far as this "five faced" person you keep referring to, leave me out of it. I don't know what's going on between you and Tom and would prefer to keep it like that. I'm sure any ADMIN in here would be happy to look at my IP and see I'm exactly who I say I am, a senior mechanical engineering student in Klamath Falls, OR. NOT TOM so back off.  

« Last Edit: June 12, 2003, 01:04:12 PM by Brian »


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Re: I agree!!
« Reply #29 on: June 12, 2003, 05:16:57 PM »
 <cite>"Why/How would I have access to anything?? I'm just a poster who gets tired of silly rants and nonsensical arguments posted by anonymous users to stir it up."</cite>

Again you don't comprehend?  There are more "silly rants" made by logged in people than Anony Hero, very few are made by Anony Hero.  Do you know how to use to board or should we post them all in a list?  Will you continue to make an argument you can not back up?  Because you know we can back up ours.

You have made postings accusing people "with different personalities" of answering their own posts, such an accusation could only be made if you had the IP numbers to back it up.  

We all know you would not throw fasle, no proof, accusations at topics you did like, don't we?  I mean if you did that it would discredit you as having a valid reason to be here.  How can "two different" personalities be the same person "Brian"?  Surely you have proof?, since you are preaching "proof"???

Why to you make such claims with the same confidence as Tom, using almost the exact same words as Tom?  We are all starting to see the "same personallity" backing up it's Anit-Anony Hero goal, using Logged In Names.  Should I post all your accusations in a list for comparison?

<cite>"How do I fit into the whole "conpiracy against Johnny" thing you have going on? If someone questions your sometimes silly theories, you automatically think they have it out for you."</cite>

If there is a "conpiracy" it is against Anony Hero.  Johnny just happens to be in the way, defending the Anony Hero feature.  So then all of your Logged in names with the same personality claiming not to be qualified shrinks, accused "johnny" of being insane, almost in the exact same words, at the same time.

Johnny was the Bait.  The "compiracy" we're talking about is the new 1 and 2 posts names screaming "Anony Hero has to go" and Tom quick on the reply. "I know but the Owner wont, bla bla"  

If you are in conflict with the owner's wishes to maintain the Anony Hero Feature you should leave.  Anony Hero was here when you came, if you don't like it, (You) leave.

<cite>"I don't, but science sure does. People would take you a lot more seriously if you would PROVE your claims. Back them up with the numbers!! Until then they are only theories, not fact.</cite>

Quit changing the subject (same pattern with all your names) then you accuse Johnny of having the names.

And this is not about science theory.  This is about your campaign against Anony Hero, for which the PROOF is here.  As for the Science "theories", since when does a "Theory" need to be backed up?  And since when is a dictionary deffinition, a "theory"?

Your argument and pattern of, under any name, not only leads away from the subject every time, but can be destroyed in seconds.

<cite>I applaude your desire to go against the norm and explore the realm of "impossibility" as this is where many new ideas come from, but when the numbers and experimental data prove your theories are wrong, LET IT GO!!</cite>

And I applaude you careful selective use in words, like "Norm" and  "impossibility"  And again your atempt to change the subject.  This is not about scientific theory.  

This is about your multi-name attack on the Anony Hero Feature, and the many names coming in to attack Anony Hero Feature, all claiming that DIFFERENT PERSONALITIES are answering their own posts.  As you say, Where are your numbers?  Admin's IP#s?

<cite>"As far as this "five faced" person you keep referring to, leave me out of it. I don't know what's going on between you and Tom and would prefer to keep it like that. I'm sure any ADMIN in here would be happy to look at my IP and see I'm exactly who I say I am, a senior mechanical engineering student in Klamath Falls, OR. NOT TOM so back off."</cite>

We three "Personalities" ( living here in Microsoft and Adobe country ) are well aware of your Oregon IP, and George's "old Grump" Oregon IP  and the other guy from Oregon, what we're trying to figure out is how, "Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Mexico" fits in!

« Last Edit: June 12, 2003, 05:16:57 PM by (unknown) »


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Re: AH Posts & Dealing with Them
« Reply #30 on: June 12, 2003, 05:45:41 PM »
"Hi All,

At one time I belonged to a scientific discussion group and there was a simple solution to all this excrement going on here on the new board, require a real name and a functional email address.

You might say, "We have this already", but this is not actually true. While one could submit posts from several email accounts and make up names to go along with those adds the filtering proccess can be set up to end this."

What happened?  Did that other Science group flush you out and ask you to leave too?  We don't need you to see the information first TOM, to see if it is suitable for the rest of us to see TOM!


Johnny Dullard wants to disrupt things, call names, and in general make a mess of things.


Require all users to provide a real name to the administrators, with an alternate contact method, such as a physical address or phone number. If the administrators provide privacy assurance users should not have a problem with a set-up like this.


Those not willing to abide by the rules of those that run the show are removed and blocked from future disruptions."

Calling Johnny a "Dullard" just before you accuse him of what you did and do, seems to be your pattern in any name doesn't it?  Just like the many names accusation.

"Of course there are savy users that can and will attempt end-runs and use fake names. This is where us as users can use the best filter available, our minds. If you see trouble makers with unreal names like Johnny Dullard or the like, just never click on their postings."

Why not just "Never click on their postings" Period, and leave the Anony Hero Feature alone TOM?

"Roger A. Stephenson

aka RogerAS"

Talking through your AS kid again I see Tom!

did it ever occur to you that you were suspect from the start Tom, and the people here wanted to flush you out?

Since you keep changing the subject to the bait we used "Impossible Science"  If it's so "impossible"  why do you want to see it before anyone else sees it?  Tom?

"Trouble maker" for who Tom?  for who's cause Tom?  Seems to me he is on the side of all the other people who come here Tom.  Not the Furl Five, Tom, the other many, many, many people.

« Last Edit: June 12, 2003, 05:45:41 PM by (unknown) »


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« Reply #31 on: June 12, 2003, 06:56:56 PM »
Wow, that's all I can say. I've had about enough of your silliness. I'll tell ya what, I'll post my god damn IP address right here for all the world to see. Hack away!! Do whatever you want with it. I really don't give a rip. You are all talk and no action. You claim to know all our IP's, addresses, etc. so come on down!! Send me an email! Do a $!#&*% whois on me and come on over. I'll show you my personality. I've had enough of being accused of being someone else. Take your silly, immature mind games and shove um where the sun don't shine.  

YOU are the only one posting under multiple names, no one else. This is all in YOUR damn head. It doesn't take IP addresses to figure out who's posting what. Your condescending smart ass attitude is more than enough for everyone to know who's who around here...anonymous or not. You seem to think you're so intelligent, so witty, fact is you're just an annoying little $#|+ who likes to screw with people. Now I suggest you keep me out of your head trips.

Come on ADMINS!!!! This is ridiculous. I may not be a long time member of this board but that doesn't mean I and all the other members being slandered by this wacko need to put up with this crap. I've been nice for too long and tried to deal with it like an adult but enough is enough. If the board keeps up like this, I guarantee I won't be around anymore and I'm sure others feel the same way.

« Last Edit: June 12, 2003, 06:56:56 PM by Brian »


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I am NOT TomW!
« Reply #32 on: June 13, 2003, 09:06:02 AM »
To the previous,

My name is Roger A. Stephenson.

I live in north central Arkansas.

I can be reached by phone @ 800-276-2550 from 8-5 central time.

My email address is

I am a professional graphic designer.

I am NOT TomW!

I was NOT "asked to leave" the group to which I refer. That, for the record, was the dinosaur mailing list. You may, if you have the intellect, search the archives of said group for postings I made. I withdrew from said group because for over a year I had no internet access. I live so far off-grid even a phone line is impossible.

What you really need to do is get a life, and quit seeing things that are not there. Most people can see your paranoia as the mental illness it is. It is sad you cannot.

Roger A. Stephenson

NOT TomW, (but kinda wishin' I was).

P.S. Sorry to the rest of the forum, I can only tolerate false claims so long.

« Last Edit: June 13, 2003, 09:06:02 AM by RogerAS »