Maybe I am over-reacting?
On my way to work, I saw "Hinn's Home Supply" with what looked like a small wind generator on a stand out in front of the street. Then I saw a sign with the URL:
"Wow! Someone right here in the area is selling wind turbines!" I thought.
Unfortunately for me, I went to the URL. I can't see any way that I am wrong in seeing this as 100% scam. Even a brief google search for "windmaster" yields tons of scam reports. And this "FreeTricity" company seems to have deleted their own website (
Thank goodness for Google's archiving. Apparently, according to this blog, these guys are going to be right in my back yard. Grr.
Why am I mad? Because I have a rooftop wind turbine that I made myself. I KNOW how much wind is up there. According to their charts, their genny makes 30A and 30V (900 watts) at 200 RPM with its little (approx) 4' blades, mounted on your roof. This genny, mounted on your roof, according to them, "Can and WILL spin your meter backwards."
Correct me if I am wrong, but there simply isn't that much wind to be had at that location, at that rotor size, in a realistic amount of wind. Dan Fink tells us that a 5 foot swept area at 10MPH has merely 100 watts of available energy - and let's not forget ole Mr. Betz. And I think we'd all agree that if you buy something from "The Dans," you will be getting something that performs AS SPECIFIED.
I'm a little sore about this anyway after attending the Cass County (Nebraska) fair and speaking with a board member from the "Nebraska Wind Energy Association" who is helping create a wind farm here, as well as help the schools with the "Wind for Schools" group. He kept showing me all these neat "new designs" that were coming out - VERTICAL AXIS GENNIES - and how his friend the engineer was going to get a patent for his new VAWT.
Am I over-reacting? I can't afford to pay to go to the fair to check this guy out, but this kind of garbage will make for much frustration and cynicism from otherwise well-intentioned people who try to delve into wind power for political, economical or other reasons.
PS. You pluralize the word "Photo" WITHOUT an apostrophe. Double GRR.
Editors note: removed due to the fact these people have false and misleading advertising (a betz-beater), and are well known for suing discussion board owners when they get negative press. No reason to help these idiots with any more free publicity here!