if it is 2m diam then my municipality (or is it province?) can not
not allow for it!! based on diam alone.
Is it the same where you are operating from?
Anyway I fear that with a 2m diam, things will pretty much be rendered useless.
I soo hope I am mistaken as that will open a whole new window of opportunity once I get my skills together as to make no noticeable sound and be sure things do not become lawn darts. Especially at the RPM I think one needs to be able to extract some useful power out of the wind whilst not potentially killing anything in a 40 meter radius when s*&t hit the fan.
I am soo open for polite discussion. I mean now we know my fears.
I get 0.05195Kw of available wind power at 3m/s when using a 2m diam HAWT. according to
https://www.omnicalculator.com/ecology/wind-turbinethat is.
at 5m/s that would be 0.24053KW
I am not sure if this all makes sense so please let us try and figure this out together ok?